Using an Interpreter with myVirtualCare

If your patient requires an interpreter, the interpreter can join consultations as participants.

Note: Interpreter services must be booked before the consultation using the existing booking process in the district.

The steps to have an interpreter join a consultation are:

  1. The clinician books the interpreter before the consultation. At the time of booking, the clinician will provide the interpreter with appointment details, including the participant link or room name.
  2. The interpreter will join the waiting room at the appointment time, using the participant link or I would like to join another virtual room function.
  3. The clinician will connect to the interpreter and provide any required information.
  4. The clinician will add the patient to the call and the consultation will begin.

Note: You may need to adjust the layout to equal or spotlight patient to assist the interpreter.

Using an interpreter without a clinical myVC room

An interpreter can host a virtual consultation if the clinician is not a member of an established myVirtualCare room (and there is no other videoconferencing solution in place).

Note: Interpreters should only host the consultation as a last resort.

The process for having an interpreter host a consultation is:

  1. The clinician books the interpreter before the consultation. At the time of booking, the clinician will advise that they need to use the interpreter services room.
  2. The interpreter will provide the interpreter services room link and room name.
  3. The clinician will provide the interpreter services room link to the patient and any other participants.
  4. The clinician will join the interpreter services waiting room at the appointment time, using the room link or the Interpreter services button and completing the attached form.
  5. The interpreter will connect to the clinician. The clinician will provide any required information.
  6. The interpreter will add the patient to the call and the consultation will begin.
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