Online training

Training to support the use of PRMs

A series of online education modules have been developed to support the collection and use of PRMs in clinical settings.

The modules were developed in consultation with consumers, clinicians and managers at PRM Program sites. These modules were updated in 2024 for currency.

The education modules have been designed to introduce relevant topics in a quick and engaging way. The modules are free to access on the ACI learning management system.

Access the PRMs online learning

You'll be prompted to register for a new account, set a password, log in and you're set to begin.

Patient Reported Measures education pathway

The patient Reported Measures (PRMs) education pathway aims to support the implementation and sustainability of PRMs across the state. The pathways below outline the area of knowledge required by specific groups engaged in PRMs. While all the PRMs users are encourage to complete all modules, the minimum required for each role is outlined below.

Overview of PRM modules

Clinical leads and service managers should do modules 1-5. Clinicians and administrators should do 1-3.

Module 1: Importance of PRMs

  • What are PREMs and PROMs
  • Vision
  • Big picture implementation

Module 2: Clinical application

  • PRMs in practice
  • Identifying patient groups and question sets
  • PRMs in clinical workflows

Module 3: HOPE module

  • Understand how the Health Outcomes Patient Experience (HOPE) platform is used to improve patient reported measures

Module 4: Making it happen

  • Project and change management
  • Project governance
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Implementation worksheet

Module 5: Creating positive change

  • Identify trends
  • Use in outcomes evaluation
  • Use data to support quality improvement

Patient module

  • How to complete PRMs
  • How will my information be used
  • How will my input improve health care?
  • What happens to my information?

Online modules available

This module is designed to introduce you to patient-reported measures (PRMs). You will see how PRMs are designed to collect information about the healthcare experiences and outcomes that matter to you. This module should take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

Target audience: This module is intended for people who may be a patient or consumer of healthcare services, in settings such as hospitals, community outpatient services, primary care and specialty clinics.

This is the first in a series of educational modules designed to support staff who are considering the implementation of patient-reported measures (PRMs).

Target audience: This module has been designed for clinicians, managers, administrative staff and patients from a range of healthcare settings, including primary care, speciality clinics and hospitals.

Module 3 aims to provide clinicians with the opportunity to explore the application of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) in a clinical setting. It uses an example of a clinical scenario to provide a step-by-step overview of the use of PROMs in clinical settings.

Target audience: This module has been designed for clinicians (nursing, medical and allied health) from a range of healthcare settings, including hospital clinics, general practices, specialist offices and community services.

The module is designed to introduce you to the Health Outcome and Patient Experience (HOPE) platform.

You will see how the HOPE Platform enables the collection of Patient Reported Measures (PRM), the different features of HOPE and benefits of using HOPE.

Target audience: This module has been designed for clinicians, managers, administrative staff, carers and patients from a range of health care settings - primary care, specialty clinics and hospitals.

Module 2 covers a brief explanation of project and change management; insight into others' experiences of implementing patient-reported measures (PRMs); and the opportunity to start preparing your implementation action plan.

Target audience: This module has been designed for clinical leaders and managers who are interested in implementing PRMs.

Module 4 is designed to support staff who have implemented patient-reported measures (PRMs). Here you will find an overview of PRMs and how they can be used for quality improvement initiatives to create positive change.

Target audience: This module has been designed for clinicians, managers and administrative staff from a range of healthcare settings, including primary care, specialty clinics and hospitals.

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