Psychosocial care of adults with spinal cord injuries guide

This guide aims to ensure people who have SCI receive comprehensive and cost-effective psychosocial care that enhances their wellbeing and life goals. It is intended to elevate SCI rehabilitation practice and treatment.

Published: July 2023. Next review: 2028.

It will assist health professionals to make well-judged decisions about assessment, treatment, referral and living arrangements for people with SCI.

The guide is in three parts: Recommendations, Models of care and Background and methodology.


These recommendations build a foundation for delivering all the psychosocial interventions required throughout a person’s lifespan.

Download the recommendations (PDF 486.2 KB)

Models of care

This examination of several models of care, assists clinicians to provide the best possible rehabilitation programs for people with SCI, across different settings.

Download the models of care (PDF 656.0 KB)

Background and methodology

The development of this guide, including the changes to evidence, practice and outcomes since the first edition.

Download background (PDF 358.9 KB)


At a glance

Guiding principles

  • Provide psychosocial support over the lifespan
  • Use a person-centred approach
  • Promote a sense of support, safety and recovery
  • Screen for distress, cognitive and neuropsychological symptoms
  • Provide generous emotional and social support
  • Provide timely and targeted information
  • Use effective communication skills
  • Promote self-management and adjustment models
  • Provide support for caregivers and significant others


  • Integration within acute care and rehabilitation
  • Psychosocial assessment
  • Cognitive screening
  • Psychosocial evidence-based interventions
  • Peer support
  • Monitoring and follow-up
  • Staffing skill mix and professional development

Case studies

These case studies introduce a scenario and include reflection questions. They can be used for personal development or in group training.


A clinician’s guide to working with spinal cord injury: Emotional wellbeing toolkit
Understand and manage psychosocial issues associated with acute and long-term SCI.
Published: June 2016. Next review: 2027.

Brief psychosocial clinical assessment tool
Use these questions on psychosocial risk factors to assess clients.
Published: October 2017. Next review: 2027.

Improving transitions to community living for people with spinal cord injury in NSW: Final report
The key findings of research and stakeholder engagement with recommendations to improve care and support.
Published: October 2017.


These references support the three parts of the Psychosocial care of adults with spinal cord injuries guide.

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