The State Spinal Cord Injury Service provides a forum for clinicians, people with spinal cord injuries, carers, managers and researchers to work together to design and promote better healthcare for people with a spinal cord injury in NSW.
We work collaboratively to support the development and implementation of evidence-based innovative programs, frameworks and models of care that improve the quality, outcome and experience of care for people with a spinal cord injury.
Network structure
The State Spinal Cord Injury Service is operated by a network of clinicians, people with spinal cord injuries, carers, managers and researchers.
The work of the network is led by a clinical development committee, which includes doctors, nurses, allied health staff, non-government organisations, people with spinal cord injuries and carers.
The Co-Chairs of the State Spinal Cord Injury Service help to bring clinical and consumer perspective and expertise to the work of the network.
James Middleton
Clinical Director and Co-Chair
Robert Wynn
Consumer Co-Chair
Timely access to spinal cord injury care
Persisting spinal cord injury impacts on every aspect of a person's life. The network supports a wide range of resources that are required to effectively manage:
- the acute phase of spinal cord injury
- the life-long health and disability needs.
Though a relatively rare condition, spinal cord injury can have lifelong bearing on a person and has a significant impact on public sector services and resources. A whole-of-government approach to service provision is required.
Rural spinal cord injury care
The Rural Spinal Cord Injury Service aims to ensure equitable delivery of specialist spinal services in rural NSW.
People with a spinal cord injury living in regional and rural NSW are linked with Sydney-based spinal cord injury clinics and other services. The service is provided in partnership with local agencies and service providers.
The service operates a hub and spoke model with dedicated clinicians as rural spinal cord injury coordinators based around the state. It provides people with a spinal cord injury in rural areas access to a specialist medical and multidisciplinary team review close to where they live.
Read more about the service and how to refer, including the clinic schedule, on the NSW Spinal Outreach Service page of the Royal Rehab website.
Statistics, research and quality
Data is captured for all patients who are accepted into the State Spinal Cord Injury Service from their point of referral, subsequent admissions, discharges and transfers between any of the State Spinal Cord Injury Service care settings.
The network established a database that contains the mandatory and conditional data fields. These are outlined and defined in the spinal cord injury data dictionary.
Projects and responsibilities
- Embedding person-centred care in the specialist spinal units
- Embedding a peer support program in both inpatient and community settings
- Increasing access and equity to specialised care for people with spinal cord injuries.