Disability Employment Services same employer referral pathway: Work Assist

Clinician toolkit

Disability Employment Services (DES) providers can support clients returning to work with their same employer through Work Assist. Work Assist is for eligible clients who have difficulty fulfilling the essential requirements of their role due to their brain injury.

Access to the pathway

Clients can be referred if they have already returned to work (and are experiencing difficulties) or are ready to plan returning to work.

Clients accessing Work Assist may stay in the same position or may move to another position with the same employer.

Clients can directly register with a DES provider without undertaking an employment services assessment (ESAt) or job capacity assessment (JCA).


The employer must agree that their employee is having difficulties fulfilling the essential requirements of their job, due to the impact of their injury, disability or health condition.

And the client (employee) must:

  • be currently employed (includes planning their return to work)
  • have been working in the job for at least eight hours per week on average over a consecutive 13-week period
  • be assessed by the DES provider as having difficulty performing the essential requirements of their job
  • meet certain DES eligibility requirements.


Work Assist

  • Advises and assists the client and their employer to identify barriers to maintaining employment.
  • Advises and assists the client and their employer with workplace adjustments.
  • Funds interventions to support the client’s return to work, such as occupational therapy, pain management, physiotherapy or psychological counselling.
  • Links services available through the Employee Assistance Fund.

DES provider

Arranges allied health clinicians to conduct workplace assessments and graded return-to-work programs for same employer clients.

DES same employer referral pathway steps

1. Discussion with vocational provider
2. Client completes direct registration form
3. Referral information sent
4. Initial meeting with DES provider and ongoing contact
5. Outcome of assessment and regular contact
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