Working with vocational rehabilitation providers

Clinician toolkit

Understand how vocational rehabilitation providers deliver vocational services for people with brain injury.


When making a referral to a vocational provider, consider the following:

  • Has the client identified or agreed to a work goal in their rehabilitation plan?
  • Has the client consented to information about their injury being released?
  • Does the client have medical clearance to start work duties?
  • Is the funding agency (as applicable) aware you are making the referral?

Useful information to include in the referral:

  • Whether funding for vocational services is approved by the funding agency (as applicable).
  • The client’s weekly therapy schedule. This allows vocational services to be scheduled around therapy appointments.
  • Contact details for the client’s Brain Injury Rehabilitation Program case manager.
  • Outcomes and results of assessments completed with the client that are relevant to vocational services.
  • Pertinent details specific to the client including sensitive topics.
  • Client attributes that may assist the vocational provider in matching them with an appropriate consultant.

Ongoing program

Timing is important. Together with the client and vocational provider, determine whether the client is ready to start employment considering medical, cognitive, physical, behavioural and psychological factors.

Success for the vocational intervention program can be facilitated by:

  • Involving the client and their support people in every aspect of the program.
  • Providing education about brain injury to the vocational provider.
  • Ongoing collaboration with vocational providers through joint case reviews with the client.
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