Funding and referral pathways

Clinician toolkit

Employment services are provided using existing funding schemes, such as Disability Employment Services, National Disability Insurance Scheme and other insurance schemes. Consider the appropriate source for your client.

Department of Social Services -
Disability Employment Services (DES)

DES (starting work with new employer): Australian Government’s employment service that helps people with disability find work and keep a job. DES is delivered by a mix of large, medium and small, for-profit and not-for-profit organisations.

DES Work Assist (starting work with the same employer): provides support to eligible employees who have difficulty fulfilling the requirements of their role due to their injury, disability or health condition.


Lifetime Care: provides treatment, rehabilitation and care for people who are severely injured in motor accidents in NSW, regardless of fault.

Workers Care: provides insurance coverage and care for people severely injured at work.

CTP Care: provides support for people injured in a motor vehicle accident who have treatment and care needs more than five years after their accident.

Workers Insurance: provides insurance coverage and care for people injured at work (excluding severe injury).

State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA)

Compulsory third-party insurance: provides support for people injured in a motor vehicle accident in NSW.

Other insurance

Income protection: a financial safety net that pays a percentage of wages, for a set period.

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

NDIS: provides reasonable and necessary funding to people with a permanent and significant disability to access supports and services.

Note: Some clients will be eligible for more than one funding source and may benefit from the expertise of two providers (e.g. DES provider plus private vocational provider funded by Lifetime Care).

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