Texture modified diets

These documents are part of the ACI Diet Specifications for Adult Inpatients. They are not to be used for patient education.

Texture modified diet - soft - dental

A diet of softer-textured foods that can be easily chewed, requiring minimal biting.

Texture modified diet - no mixed consistency

A diet modified to exclude texture combinations.

Texture modified diet - liquid puree

A diet of liquid foods that requires no chewing.

Texture modified diet - smooth puree - dysphagia

A diet that is smooth and lump free, which requires no chewing.

Texture modified diet - cut up

A diet of softer-textured foods that can be easily chewed, requiring minimal biting.

Texture modified diet - soft - dysphagia

A diet of softer-textured foods that can be easily chewed, requiring minimal biting.

Texture modified diet - minced and bread – dental

A diet of softer-textured foods that can be easily chewed, requiring minimal biting.

Texture modified diet - minced and moist - dysphagia

A diet of softer-textured foods that can be easily chewed, requiring minimal biting.

Texture modified diet - puree and bread - dental

A diet that is smooth and lump free, which requires no chewing.

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