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Understand intellectual disability and how it affects a person’s health.
Understand intellectual disability and the rights and complex needs of people with intellectual disability.
Checklist for planning, developing, implementing and evaluating inclusive policies, programs, procedures and strategies.
Consider these principles when conducting research that includes people with an intellectual disability.
Review resources on to the United Nations Convention, collated by the Australian Human Rights Commission.
Deliver quality health services for people with intellectual disability.
Watch Daniel's story and his experience of hospitalisation and consider some reflective questions.
Assess your service and use these actions to address common hospitalisation issues.
Support people with intellectual disability talk about going to hospital.
Discuss ten discharge scenarios based on the experiences of people with an intellectual disability.
Use this policy directive for responding to needs of people with disability.
Record transfer information for people with disability.
Provide comprehensive health care to people with intellectual disability.
Help parents and carers to make sense of the system which exists to support them and their child.
Watch this video series to understand the care needs of a person with intellectual disability.
Know what to look for and to do about, your concerns for someone with intellectual disability.
Set up and maintain school-based clinics to support children and adolescents with complex needs.
Explain what will happen during a physical examination or blood test using these photo stories.
Assess your service and use these actions to address common communication issues.
Send appointment reminders on this easy to read template.
Review the outcomes of this research from UNSW into mental ill health and service use data.
Provide equitable access, a skilled workforce and appropriate treatment with this guide from UNSW.
Assess your service and use these actions to address common mental health care issues.
Consider the key themes, model and requirements to transition young people to adult services.
Understand how the service can help young people with chronic health conditions in NSW.
Find public hospitals and services in NSW.
Read these fact sheets from the Council for Intellectual Disability.
Read this easy English version of the guiding principles.
Research centre focused on improving the capability of health services.
Admission2Discharge Together model of care.
Links to key sites related to intellectual disability and professional organisations.
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