Transitional living program

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Inclusion criteria

To access transitional living programs clients must meet all of the following inclusion criteria.

  • The client has identified rehabilitation goals requiring intensive rehabilitation from two or more allied health disciplines per day for each resident.
  • The client is medically stable to participate in a residential program as determined by a rehabilitation specialist or other medical practitioner.
  • The client is continent or has the capacity to manage with appropriate intervention.
  • The client is motivated to participate in an intensive rehabilitation program.
  • The client is physically independent; the client must be independent or require minimal physical assistance for transfers, mobility and self-care tasks including feeding, grooming and hygiene (maximum support of one staff member only).
  • If wheelchair bound, the client is able to transfer with the assistance of one staff member.
  • Clients have manageable behaviour; clients must be able to be safely managed by a single staff member. They must not exhibit behaviour issues that are unable to be managed within the staffing profile.
  • The client agrees to share house rules and understands consequences arising from rule breaking.
  • The client abstains from drug and alcohol use throughout the duration of the rehabilitation program. Clients sign an alcohol and other drug agreement prior to TLU admission.
  • Self-care equipment has been set-up and trialled by the referring rehabilitation hospital prior to admission. Arrangements have been made by the referrer for the client to access this equipment while on weekend leave and during their TLU admission.
  • Access to weekend accommodation.
  • Confirmed discharge destination.

Exclusion criteria

The following criteria excludes people from brain injury specialist rehabilitation services.

  • Clients presenting with ABI from progressive neurological disorder.
  • No evidence of a brain injury.
  • If co-morbidities impact on a client’s ability to meet the essential criteria (i.e. patient does not have the capacity to engage in the rehab process or the client does not have identified goals), the referral will not be accepted. These referrals will be directed to more appropriate services.
  • If a co-morbidity is an overriding issue, the referral will not be accepted.
  • Care and support needs for the TLU program exceeds the ratio of one staff to four clients with the addition of this client.


Additional criteria used in prioritising brain injury specialist rehabilitation clients include the following.

Client ability to engage: Client has the ability to actively engage in the rehabilitation process.

Length of time since injury: For example an injury is less than two years ago is a higher priority than an injury > five years ago.

Severity of injury: Severe is a higher priority than moderate.

Age: Age >65 years is a lower priority than age <65 years.

Length of stay: Based on the client’s participation in the program and continuing to achieve goals.

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