Specialist rehabilitation standards

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The section Scope and staffing of brain injury specialist rehabilitation services describes the staffing required, but does not define full-time equivalents for each staff role. This is because of both the diversity of roles and the essential functions being accessible through a variety of mechanisms.

    Establishing fixed staff client ratios is not the most appropriate guide to staffing levels. Rather it is more useful to consider:

    • if there is a sufficient skillset to carry out the core activities between all members of the team
    • and the relevant guides to rehabilitation staff client ratios.

    The following are two examples of guides that may be useful when considering co-location, work flows, and staffing requirements.

    • The Australasian Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Standards:
      • Standards for the Provision of Inpatient Adult Rehabilitation Medicine Services in Public and Private Hospitals 20115
      • Standards for the Provision of Paediatric Rehabilitation Medicine Inpatient Services in Public and Private Hospitals 20157
      • Standards for the Provision of Rehabilitation Medicine Services in the Ambulatory Setting 20146
    • The NSW Health Guide to the Role Delineation of Clinical Services provides a framework that describes the minimum support services, workforce and other requirements for clinical services to be delivered safely.46 Rehabilitation services are described in section B18: Rehabilitation Medicine of that guide.
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