Allied health burn management

The care requirements of a person who has sustained a severe burn injury are considerable and complex. The role of the allied health professionals in the multidisciplinary team is a key aspect of quality care.

These resources support the allied health team members to provide that care. The resources were developed based on an evidence review (PDF 2.9 MB) and extensive clinical experience of the multidisciplinary team members of the NSW severe burn units.


Burn physiotherapy and occupational therapy guidelines

Published: October 2017 (version 2.1). Next review: 2023.

Burn therapy for physiotherapists and occupational therapists. This document covers scar management, oedema, exercise, splinting and positioning, compression, silicone products, skin care and massage.

Download the Burn physiotherapy and occupational therapy guideline (PDF 5.6 MB)

PhysioTherapy eXercises for people with injuries and disabilities

108 burn specific exercises, with 17 language options, which have been collaboratively developed by the Statewide Burn Injury Service, physiotherapists, burn survivors, consumers and the John Walsh Centre for Rehabilitation Research.

Nutrition burn patient management

Published: August 2017. Next review: 2023.

Specialised nutritional support to promote recovery from burn injuries. Guidelines for dietitians to provide nutritional assessment, clinical intervention and ongoing education for the patient, family and staff.

Download the Nutrition burn patient managementguideline (PDF 773.7 KB)

Speech therapy burn patient management

Published: August 2011. Next review: 2023.

Guidelines for speech pathologists in acute burns settings, including assessment, treatment and management of communication and swallowing problems arising from burn and inhalation injuries.

Download the Speech therapy burn patient management guideline (PDF 445.8 KB)

Child life therapy burn patient management

Published: April 2020. Next review: 2025.

Child life therapy focuses on supporting, educating and empowering children and young people throughout their healthcare journey. This document outlines the integral role of child life therapists in supporting paediatric burns patients.

Download the Child life therapy burn patient management guideline (PDF 643.2 KB)

Social work (adults) burn patient management

Published: August 2011. Next review: 2023.

The psychosocial support and assistance provided by social work is vital for people with burn injuries. This document covers the practice areas, standards and principles for practice for social workers working in this field.

Download the Child life therapy burn patient management guideline (PDF 553.9 KB)

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