Research partnerships

We partner with universities and teams across NSW Health to apply for research grants.

This includes grants from:

  • National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
  • Medical Research Future Fund
  • Translational Research Grants Scheme.

Requests to partner with us follow a standard process. All research partnerships with the ACI must adhere to the relevant standards of research conduct.

Partnership process

  1. Refer to the ACI’s Strategic Plan for our organisational priorities and the research approaches we encourage.
  2. Check the ACI website for suitable partners. Each of our networks, institutes and taskforces have a web page outlining what they do; their priorities; and how to contact them.
  3. Contact the relevant ACI team to determine alignment between their priorities and your research objectives.
  4. Obtain partnership support from key people within the ACI.
  5. Finalise the proposal, and the ACI’s role in the project.
  6. The ACI will provide a letter of support outlining its involvement.

NSW Office of Health and Medical Research grants

There are specific processes for partnering with the ACI and other NSW Health agencies for the NSW Office of Health and Medical Research’s Translational Research Grant Scheme. Refer to the NSW Office of Health and Medical Research website for more information.

Research conduct

Research project design and proposals should be developed with reference to the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and Australian Research Council (ARC) standards of academic conduct (i.e. the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research 2018).

All research conducted in partnership with the ACI must:

  • obtain and maintain ongoing approval from a relevant human research ethics committee
  • disclose any potential, perceived or actual conflict of interest
  • be of excellent scientific quality
  • demonstrate excellent leadership
  • encourage collaboration
  • be appropriately resourced
  • protect participants
  • ensure confidentiality of information
  • establish a mechanism for appropriate record keeping
  • ensure the security of research data and information
  • maintain appropriate training of staff and researchers
  • commit to regular reporting, including publishing results and disseminating research finding in an accurate and timely manner
  • support appropriate intellectual property
  • support appropriate authorship rights
  • support appropriate acknowledgements
  • meet international research integrity standards.


For further information, contact

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