Agency for Clinical Innovation Strategy 2023–2026

Message from our
Board Chair and Chief Executive

Professor Andrew Wilson

Professor Andrew Wilson
ACI Board Chair

Jean-Frederic Levesque

Dr Jean-Frédéric Levesque
ACI Chief Executive

Innovation is the lifeblood of a successful healthcare system. Each day, thousands of people across NSW Health strive to improve services for their patients. The Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI) plays a pivotal role in those efforts – leading, connecting, fostering and enabling clinical innovation across the system.

We heard from hundreds of stakeholders as we created this strategy. Their counsel was crystal clear – be bold, be ambitious, be innovative in fostering clinical innovation.

This plan builds on our core competencies; however, it does not represent a continuation of business as usual. Instead, it signals significant change in how we work as an organisation and how we partner with clinicians, consumers, system leaders and innovators across NSW Health.

Over the past year, the crucial role that innovation plays in improving the health of the people of NSW has become apparent. The pandemic response, the publication of the Future Health Strategy and the establishment of the new Regional Health Division each present opportunities to innovate.

The emergence of virtual care provides opportunities to significantly improve patients’ access to healthcare. We will tailor our strategies to local needs, particularly in rural, regional and remote communities, to bring about changes that will improve patient experiences and outcomes.

Enacting our new strategy will involve re-balancing the work we do to enhance our focus on projects that push forward transformational change. While we recognise that fully achieving all aspects of the strategy may not be possible in a three-year timeframe, the ambitious agenda will provide impetus for the future. Recognising that change is disruptive, we will continue to invest in our people to enhance our organisational capability and in our partnerships to support system readiness for change.

We will build on our strong foundations of engagement, clinical evidence and guidance, and in redesign and implementation to push the boundaries of innovation.

Our mission remains centred on helping clinicians and healthcare leaders to embrace innovation – supporting them to know, to act, to connect, to work towards better, fairer, sustainable healthcare.

Our mission

Clinical innovation for better, fairer, sustainable healthcare.

Our purpose

We bring clinicians, consumers and system leaders together to design and implement innovations in healthcare.

We support innovations that are:


Considering the person, their context, needs and expectations.

Clinically led

Harnessing the leadership and experience of clinicians.


Demonstrating a strong impact on people, clinical care or the system.


Striving to improve effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability.

Our priority challenges

We will contribute to addressing priority challenges that support better, fairer, sustainable healthcare and align to the Future Health Strategy:

  • Integrating care for patients at the interface of hospital, primary, community and social care services
  • Reducing unwarranted clinical variation and promoting high-value care
  • Redesigning healthcare to facilitate the adoption of new health technologies, including new therapies and clinical processes
  • Implementing virtual care and digitally-enabled models of care
  • Supporting equity in access and outcomes of care
  • Delivering person-centred and culturally appropriate care
  • Fostering sustainability in healthcare.

Our strategic areas to push the boundaries of clinical innovation

1. Taking a portfolio approach to clinical innovation

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2. Engaging

partnering with agility

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3. Informing

triangulating sources of evidence

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4. Enabling

a toolbox of transformation methods

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Our people

Our people are vital to achieve this strategy.

We have expertise across clinical and consumer engagement, evidence and intelligence, system change and transformation, and communication that drives innovation creation.

We will harness the diversity of expertise that makes innovation work and take care of our staff, focusing on wellness, capability development, and diversity and inclusion.

Our partners

As one of the five pillars in the health system, we work closely with organisations across NSW Health and beyond.

We collaborate widely to ensure the continuous delivery of quality healthcare to the people of NSW.

The Strategy 2023 to 2026 replace the previous Strategic Plan 2019 to 2022.
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