Paediatric rehabilitation: minimum standards and toolkit

Published: December 2022. Next review: 2028.

Paediatric rehabilitation is a family-centred, multidisciplinary program of goal-directed care. It is for children and young people who, as the result of injury, a health condition or surgical or medical intervention, would benefit from this care.

Getting started

The following diagram shows the recommended process for using the toolkit and implementation of the minimum standards.

The implementation cycle for the toolkit is: review the minimum standards, seek support and sponsorship, determine how to apply the standards, use the resources to implement the standards, re-evaluate and return to review step.
Using the paediatric rehabilitation toolkit

Development of the minimum standards and toolkit

These minimum standards and supporting toolkit of resources set the benchmark for coordination of paediatric rehabilitation in NSW Health.

They were developed to improve the coordination of paediatric rehabilitation in NSW, in response to Recommendation 50 of the Review of health services for children, young people and families within the NSW Health system (Henry Review).

Items in the toolkit have been developed for use by clinicians in the Paediatric Rehabilitation Services (PRS) and local health districts (LHDs) in NSW, as well as families who access these services.

More about the background to this project

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