New employer

Provider toolkit

Follow the new employer pathway with clients seeking employment with a different employer.

Some clients have an identified employment goal and can seek their own employment. However, most clients will require assistance to identify goals and undertake job seeking and/or retraining.

Use a stepping-stone approach to support the client achieve their employment goal by gaining skills and increasing their work capacity. This might involve a work trial placement or training course.

This pathway is often referred to as a ‘return to different employer’ program.

Note for Disability Employment Services clients

Most clients using a Disability Employment Services (DES) provider will require an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) to start the DES program. Arrange and support this assessment to ensure accurate and comprehensive information about the client is conveyed.

Case study videos

Watch these examples of clients starting with new employers.

Julian’s story

Antony’s story

Daniel’s story

New employer stages

1. Referral
2. Assessment
3. Implement employment program
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