Employment pathways and funding

Provider toolkit

Support your client to return to work using the pathways and available funding.

VIP pathways

People with a work goal will follow one of two pathways: same employer or new employer.

  • Same employer – early intervention pathway for people with the opportunity to return to their pre-injury employer.
  • New employer –for people seeking training, re-training or job-seeking assistance to obtain new work.


Employment services are provided using existing funding schemes:

  • Disability Employment Services (DES)
  • Insurance schemes, e.g. icare (Lifetime Care, Workers Care, Workers Insurance), income protection, compulsory third party
  • National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Some clients will be eligible for more than one funding source. You may need to partner with a provider with the alternate funding expertise.

Funding for workplace adjustments can be accessed through the Employment Assistance Fund.

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