Episode2 Segment 6 - What are some top tips for keeping on track?

Fast Fact 1

Use a

Fast Fact 2

Drop back; don’t stop

Fast Fact 3

Involve family
and friends

Fast Fact 4

Have a get back
on track plan

Use a timer

Using a timer is a form of pacing.  Pacing is a helpful way to achieve the right balance between activity and rest. If you stick to your limit, that is, a comfortable time or quota of activity, it can help avoid a flare up.

Drop back, don’t stop

It is better to drop back to last week’s SMART goal, than to completely stop if things hurt or seem difficult.

Involve family and friends

Upgrading or increasing your level of physical activity can be challenging and sometimes stressful. It is your choice, but sometimes family or friends can keep you company, lend support and help you celebrate. Monitor your feelings and emotions and consider extra help when you need it.

User Activity

This activity is designed to help you identify the types of things you could do to involve family and friends in physical activity.


Click on the activities below that you would like to do with your family and friends, and they will appear in the box below. You can also type in any other activities you would like to do.

Listed below are some activities that you could do with your family or friends:

Play interactive games like Wii Sports, Resort, Just Dance

Take the dog for a walk

Walk to your friend’s house

Play backyard cricket

Get into watersports like swimming, sailing, bodyboarding

Play basketball

Go to the local skate park for a ride

Take dance

Play a game of football

Horse riding

Physical activities that can involve my family or friends:

Enter your own:

Have a get back on track plan

It is important to have a plan for when things get off track. For one reason or another, physical activity upgrade plans can get put to one side. For example, things might get busy at school or you might have exams. Before you know it, there has been no upgrading for a couple of weeks and things might not be going so well. Getting off track, or having a relapse is common and everyone has them. Having a plan to get started again when this happens can help. You can go back through this episode to get back on track, and also use the information in Episode 7: Staying on Track.

Handy Hints Summary: Staying on Track

If it’s not harmful but it hurts, how do I keep going?

Develop a plan to get back on track:

  • Each week, reset SMART goal if possible – use a timer or measure the distance
  • Break your goal down into small steps
  • Regularly increase activity by  small amounts, working within pain tolerances but gently nudging the boundaries
  • Have a weekly activity upgrade plan and aim to stick to it.
  • Celebrate if an activity is undertaken and goal reached
  • Plan for relapses
  • Review your own goals regularly as circumstances will change over time
  • Set new goals
  • Make a new plan to meet the new goal