Fact sheetDiet specifications

Published: November 2011. Next review: 2024.

Renal diet - peritoneal dialysis

This document is part of the ACI Diet Specifications for Adult Inpatients. It is not to be used for patient education.


To provide a diet with the following nutrient content:

  • energy: at least 9500kJ per day
  • protein: at least 90g per day
  • sodium: <100mmol (2300mg) per day
  • phosphate: <1200mg per day


  • protein choices from foods of high biological value (such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs and limited dairy)
  • limits foods high in sodium
  • limits foods high in phosphate (e.g. dairy and legumes)


Patients on peritoneal dialysis.

Nutritional adequacy

This diet may not meet individual nutrient requirements due to the individual needs and treatment of this patient group. Supplementation may be required.


  • Not all patients on peritoneal dialysis require this diet specification.
  • Consultation with a dietitian is required if this diet specification is to be removed, or used long term.
  • Other diet specifications commonly used with peritoneal dialysis include fluid restriction and diabetic diet.


Not suitable for use in paediatrics.

Suggested Meal Plan

Maximum two serves breads / cereals (e.g. one cereal + one bread)
One serve milk
Morning tea<250mg <100mg
Maximum one main meal or salad or sandwich
One serve dessert        
Afternoon tea<250mg <100mg
Maximum one main meal or salad or sandwich
One serve dessert        
Supper<100mg <50mg
  • Encourage use of high-energy items such as plain sweet biscuits, cream biscuits, croissants, marshmallows, small bags of sweets (e.g. boiled lollies, jellybeans, glucose lollies, jubes, Minties™, pavlova, cream, margarine) to help increase energy intake.
  • Consult a dietitian for advice about whether high-energy items are suitable for use with patients with diabetes on dialysis.
  • No salt sachets are provided on meal trays.
  • Limit bread to six slices per day.
  • Milk as a drink to be avoided. Milk should be provided for cereal and tea / coffee only, up to 250mL per day.

Specific menu planning guidelines

Allowed Not allowed
Hot main dishes

Plain roasted and grilled meat, fish and poultry

At least 20g protein per serve

<15mmol (345mg) sodium per serve

<300mg phosphate per serve (e.g. plain roasted meats, poultry, steamed fish, eggs)

Legumes and lentils(unless vegetarian)

≥15mmol (345mg) sodium per serve

≥300mg phosphate per serve

Sauces, gravies

Salt-reduced gravies and sauces

Apple, mint and cranberry sauces

Cheese sauce and white sauces (one tablespoon per day)

Tomato sauce (one portion per day)

Soy sauce
Starchy vegetables / pasta / rice

White rice and pasta

<2mmol (46mg) sodium per serve

Brown rice, wholemeal pasta

≥2mmol (46mg) sodium per serve


All others

Mixed legumes, e.g. three-bean mix

Soups<6mmol (138mg) sodium per serve

≥6mmol sodium per serve, e.g. tomato soup

Cream soups made with milk

Soups with added legumes (e.g. lentil soup, minestrone)


White, wholegrain and wholemeal bread

At least 10g protein per serve

<20mmol (460mg) sodium per serve

<300mg phosphate per sandwich (e.g. unsalted meat, chicken, egg, reduced-salt canned fish)

≥20mmol (460mg) sodium per serve
Salads, dressings

<20mmol (460mg) sodium for full salad

<350mg phosphate for full salad

≥20mmol (460mg) sodium per serve

≥350mg phosphate for full salad

Breads, cereals

White, wholegrain and wholemeal bread

Limit bread to six slices per day

Most plain breakfast cereals, with the following allowances per serve:

<13mmol (300mg) sodium

<150mg phosphate

e.g. rolled oats made with water, Weet-Bix™, Light n Tasty™, Special K™, Sustain™, Guardian®, Just Right® (tropical or apple), Mini-Wheats® (whole wheat or strawberry); many other cereals not listed may meet these allowances and could be used

White rice and pasta

Unsalted unflavoured rice cakes

Breakfast cereals with the following allowances per serve:

≥13mmol (300mg) sodium

≥150mg phosphate

e.g. All Bran®, Sultana Bran®, muesli, rolled oats made with milk

SpreadsSalt-free butter and margarine, jam, honey

Regular butter and margarine

Peanut butter, Vegemite™, Marmite™

Hot breakfast choices

Plain boiled, poached or scrambled eggs and omelettes, prepared with no added salt

Reduced-salt baked beans (90g or 1/3 cup)

Reduced-salt canned spaghetti

Baked beans

Bacon, sausages, canned spaghetti

Egg dishes prepared with salt


All fresh fruit and canned fruit

Yoghurt100g yoghurt per day-

<8mmol (184mg) sodium per serve

<70mg phosphate per serve

e.g. pavlova, ice-cream, jelly, apple sponge, apple Danish, apple pie, mousse, jam roll

≥8mmol (184mg) sodium per serve

≥70mg phosphate per serve

Milk desserts, except ice-cream

Milk and cheese

Milk for cereal, tea and coffee (<250ml per day)

Any plain milk (cow, soy, goat)

One slice cheese per day

Hard cheese as allowed in hot main and sauces, salad or sandwich limits

Ricotta and cottage cheese allowed

All milk (including soy milk), other than for cereal, tea and coffee

Hard cheese if above meal limits

Portion-control cheese at mid-meals


Tea, cordial, non-cola-based soft drinks

Limit coffee to three cups per day

Milk and milk-based drinks, Sustagen™

Fruit and vegetable juices

Milo®, Aktavite®, Ovaltine®, cocoa


BiscuitsPlain refined-flour crackers and biscuits
(e.g. Sao™, Milk Arrowroot™, Morning Coffee™, Ryvita®, rice cakes)

> 3mmol (69mg) sodium per serve of two biscuits or portion-control pack (e.g. Jatz™)


Herbs, spices, vinegar, lemon wedge, pepper

Chutney and pickles (small amounts only)

Sugar, cream

Nuts, olives

Monosodium glutamate (MSG), salt sachets, chocolate


  1. Ash S, Campbell K, MacLaughlin H, McCoy E, Chan M, Anderson K et al. Evidence based practice guidelines for nutritional management of chronic kidney disease. Nutr Diet 2006;63 Suppl 2:S33-45.
  2. Dietitians Association of Australia. Nutrition manual. 8th ed. Canberra: DAA; 2009.
  3. American Dietetic Association. Nutrition care manual. Chicago: ADA; 2009. [accessed 17 March 2010].
  4. National Kidney Foundation. Potassium and your CKD diet. [accessed 17 March 2010].
  5. Voss, D. Potassium in pre-dialysis patients. Nephrology 2005;10 Suppl 5:S188-90.
  6. Caring for Australians with Renal Impairment. CARI guidelines: potassium in pre-dialysis patients. 2004.
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