About the End of Life and Palliative Care Network

The network aims to ensure that all NSW residents have equitable access to quality care, based on assessed need, as they approach and reach the end of their life.

Our approach places the person at the centre of care, where their preferences, values, beliefs and dignity are respected, and quality of life matters most.

The network drives continuous improvement through building partnerships with our network members, including:

  • medical specialists, including general practitioners
  • nurses
  • aged care providers
  • allied health practitioners
  • consumers and carers
  • service managers
  • researchers and academics.

Our structure

The network is led by the network executive committee and supported by co-chairs.

Dr Sarah Wenham

Specialist Palliative Care Physician

Peter Cleasby

Palliative Care Education Program Coordinator

Pippa Blackburn

Service Manager, Palliative Care ISLHD

Dr Brian Fernandes

Palliative Care Physician, Braeside Hospital Hammond Care

Projects and responsibilities

Network Executive Committee

The committee oversees network projects and activities and establishes working groups to support the development of key initiatives and projects.

End of Life Care Decisions Steering Committee and Expert Advisory Group

This group is reviewing the Using Resuscitation Plans in End of Life Decisions policy directive (PD2014_030). This review aims to ensure a patient’s values, goals and wishes are heard, documented and delivered as they approach end of life.

Dying at Home Working Group

This group has been formed to provide direction and expert advice to the dying at home initiative. Phase 1 of this initiative is to develop a digital toolkit for carers to support people who wish to die at home.

EoLPC Education Webinar Series Working Group

This group has been formed to support the planning, delivery and facilitation of an EoLPC education webinar series.

Occupational Therapy Special Interest Group

End of Life and Advanced Care Planning Special Interest Group

For further information about any of these groups please reach out using the email below.

Contact the End of Life and Palliative Care Network team

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