Support outside work

Whether you are returning to the same job or starting a different job, working after your brain injury can be overwhelming. It is important to have support from the people around you, and for you to keep healthy.

Family and social support

People with a brain injury who returned to work reported support from family and friends helped them when they started working. Their advice is to accept that you may need support and to seek support from the people who know you.

Practical support

Examples include help with:

  • traveling to and from work
  • preparing and cooking meals
  • childcare if you are a parent.

Emotional support

Your social support network can also give you emotional support if you are feeling nervous or stressed or just need someone to talk with.

Health and wellbeing

Keeping healthy is important to support you to continue working. Work takes up time leaving less time for you to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Having a brain injury can cause changes to your physical and mental health and change how you think and feel.


Some people find having a routine can help with settling back into work. This could be a morning routine when getting ready, or a set of weekly tasks that you follow to give your working week structure. Try to have backup plans in place if things don’t work to your routine to reduce feelings of stress.

Physical health

There are things you can do each day to support your physical health. These include being active, eating well, avoiding alcohol and drugs (including tobacco) and sleeping well.

Find a physical activity that you enjoy doing. This may be going for a walk, exercising with family or friends, or continuing your rehab exercise program.

Mental health

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. A brain injury can cause negative changes to your emotions. It can also make it hard for you to handle other types of stress away from work. Being aware of your mental health each day can help you handle unexpected stress when it happens.

Ways you can maintain your mental health

  • Set aside time to be with yourself and include this in your weekly schedule.
  • Try mindfulness exercises.
  • Spend time with friends and family.
  • Get help for your mental health if you feel you need it.
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