Virtually equipped therapy options (VETO)

Reducing CO2 emissions through loaning equipment to support telehealth services

Virtual health services can reduce travel-related emissions and improve patients access to care. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District (ISLHD) Speech Pathology adopted telehealth, resulting in an 8% growth in services delivered despite travel restrictions. Telehealth services, for those in rural, regional, and remote regions have several benefits; however, there are often barriers to receiving fair access.

The aim of this project was to investigate the feasibility of loaning virtually equipped devices (iPads) to ISLHD Speech Pathology consumers, to improve access to therapy programs and reduce carbon emissions. Between October 2023 - March 2024, the project team loaned iPads to eight consumers, to be used for virtual speech therapy sessions.

Loan devices now offered to all consumers

Evaluation measured the number of sessions delivered virtually, road travel avoided, carbon emissions avoided, percentage of care delivered virtually, telehealth uptake and consumer experience.

  • Seven of the eight consumers used the iPads to participate in their therapy sessions virtually,  with a total 70 sessions delivered.
  • Total road travel avoided was 4,450km equating to 759.5kgCO2e carbon emissions avoided (average sized car, unknown fuel).
  • ISLHD Speech Pathology delivered 10.3% of total non-admitted care virtually.
  • The project team obtained consumer experience data via a survey. All consumers who took part in the virtual sessions agreed that virtual care delivery was the same or better than face-to-face service delivery and that they would use a loaned iPad again to access hospital appointments virtually.
  • Consumers agreed that the iPads worked well, were easy to use and were convenient as they didn’t need to travel for appointments.
  • One consumer did not have a stable internet signal and disagreed that they felt comfortable using the loaned iPad.

Due to the positive outcomes from this project, ISLHD Speech Pathology now provides all adult consumers with the option of a loan device.


  1. Learnihan, V. Blake, M. Impact of COVID-19 on Speech Pathology Service Provision: Illawarra-Shoalhaven Local Health District, 2023, Health Research Institute, University of Canberra, Canberra, Australia.


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Environmental sustainabilityIllawarra ShoalhavenRural and regional
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