Virtual Health Interpreter Service

Improving patient care through increased availability and accessibility of interpreter services

The Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District (NBMLHD) faces unique challenges with its population and geography. Approximately 22% of the population born overseas, and is home to a large refugee population with complex health and social needs.

The district spans rural, regional, and metropolitan areas, with many patients in rural and regional areas having limited access to interpreters.  NBMLHD currently provides face-to-face interpreter services; however, travel time and cost are barriers to delivering these services. To address these barriers, a virtual interpreting service for Nepean Hospital’s Women’s and Children’s (W&CH) outpatient services was developed. This service improves patient care by increasing the availability and accessibility of interpreter services. Video interpreting reduces the need for interpreters to attend face-to-face sessions, significantly reducing travel time and emissions.

Significant increase in the use of interpreter service

The implementation of the Virtual Health Interpreter Service (VHIS) was a multifaceted process. The project team held regular project initiation meetings, hired a dedicated project coordinator and purchased video interpreting equipment. The coordinator then set up the equipment, trained staff and integrated video interpreting into service delivery.

Results indicate a 194% increase in interpreter use between 2019 and 2023. However, total billable hours only increased by 29% , as funding is used for patient access to services rather than interpreter travel costs. The average cost of service decreased by 48%, even with a cost increase of 18% per hour from 2019. This was due to the significant shift in interpreter modality towards video interpreting (occasions of video service increased from 0 to 61%; and phone/video services increased from 38% to 99%). The total savings were calculated as approximately $47,000, significantly more than the equipment set up costs ($7,084).

Phone and video interpreting services have also saved approximately 22,000 travel kilometers and 5,061 kgCO2e for 2023, significantly reducing travel emissions.  In terms of service resilience, no severe weather events occurred during the project period, however this virtual model is likely to be more resilient in future instances of extreme weather and road disruptions. Interpreter safety may also be improved due to less time spent driving on roads.


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Environmental sustainabilityVirtual careNepean Blue MountainsRural and regional
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