Operating theatre efficiency

We are working on strategies to support clinicians, managers, service planners and surgical and perioperative care services to increase efficiency and improve outcomes for patients.

This includes finding ways to reduce theatre costs and refine all aspects of surgery while continuing to deliver high-quality healthcare. These improvements involve all staff who work in, or deliver support, for surgical services.

This initiative aligns with Future Health: Guiding the next decade of health care in NSW 2022-2032, enabling innovation to position the health system to better meet the needs of patients and staff in the coming years.

Clinical practice guide

Published: May 2024. Next review: 2029.

Use this guide to increase the efficiency of operating theatres. It describes the key principles that underpin efficient governance and management.

Efficiency can be increased by:

  • best practice management of theatre suites
  • identifying opportunities to improve service delivery, reduce waste and enhance patient experience
  • putting developments in policy, technology and evidence into practice
  • developing clinical leaders and a positive organisational culture
  • using data to drive improvement in quality, performance and outcomes.

The guide is supported by tools to help assess local systems and identify opportunities for improvement and implementing change.

Download the Operating theatre efficiency guide (PDF 551.7 KB)

Tools to support improved efficiency

Published: March 2024. Next review: 2029.

Strategies to improve theatre efficiency (PDF 185.8 KB)
Strategies used in NSW public hospitals that can be applied to your surgical and perioperative care service.

Roles and responsibilities in theatre management (PDF 133.6 KB)
Key roles required to manage an efficient operating theatre.

Operating theatre governance models (PDF 145.5 KB)
Roles, responsibilities and functions of two committees that provide oversight of surgery and operating theatres.

Operating theatre metrics (PDF 138.8 KB)
How to measure theatre performance and monitor trends.

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