Clinician Connect

Supporting health worker wellbeing

30 Oct 2020 Reading time approximately

Created by clinicians across Australia, the Pandemic Kindness Movement provides health workers with useful resources and links to services that can support their wellbeing during the pandemic.

The Pandemic Kindness Movement is a clinician-led project to support the wellbeing of Australian health workers during the pandemic.

Developed by senior clinicians from NSW, Victoria, Queensland and South Australia, the website acts as a way-finder for health workers to find helpful, relevant resources. The site also includes specific information for Aboriginal Health Workers.

Since its launch in May, the site (hosted by the ACI) has been visited more than 40,000 times.

The clinical leadership group developed a pyramid of health worker needs, based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, to reflect the potential challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health workforce. Each section includes evidence-informed resources to support health workers.

Pandemic of Kindness pyramid of needs

The website provides links to resources in the following areas:

  • Basic needs
  • Safety
  • Love and belonging
  • Esteem
  • Contribution
  • Leadership actions

Digital posters are available to download and display at any health facility.

Visit the Pandemic of Kindness Movement website

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