Orthogeriatric hip fracture care

Orthogeriatric hip fracture care: Clinical practice guide

Published: September 2023. Next review: 2028.

This guide aims to inform contemporary clinical practice for orthogeriatric hip fracture care. Every person with a hip fracture should be given the best possible chance of making a meaningful recovery following their injury.

A shared care approach, involving multidisciplinary teams, family and carers, should be followed when caring for patients with a hip fracture. This results in better outcomes for patients, hospital settings and the quality of care.

This guide highlights best practice recommendations across the inpatient journey: from the time a patient with a hip fracture arrives at the hospital to the time they are discharged. It provides considerations for:

  • pre-operative care
  • surgery
  • post-operative management
  • transfer of care planning.

As there is no single best type of model of care, the guide recommends healthcare settings should develop a shared care model that meets the needs of their patients and suits their capacity, staffing and requirements.

Download the Orthogeriatric hip fracture care clinical practice guide (PDF 3.4 MB)

Guiding principles to develop organisational model of care for patients with hip fracture

Published: March 2023. Next review: 2028.

Healthcare settings should use guiding principles, along with the clinical practice guide, to develop an organisational model of care for managing patients with a hip fracture. These principles include:

  • Local governance and leadership
  • Access
  • Protocols and procedures
  • Local data collection
  • Workforce education and training
  • Person-centred care
  • Advanced care planning
  • Coordinated care
  • Multidisciplinary care teams

Together, the guiding principles document and the clinical practice guide show how hip fracture care can be enabled across the inpatient journey using a coordinated service structure to ensure patients receive the right care at the right time.

Download the Orthogeriatric hip fracture care guiding principles (PDF 409.6 KB)

Orthogeriatric model of care for hip fracture care – evidence check

Published: April 2022.

Evidence shows orthogeriatric models of care comprising a multidisciplinary approach to care for patients with a hip fracture result in improved outcomes for patients and healthcare settings compared with an alternative ‘usual care’ model.

This rapid evidence check studied the different types of orthogeriatric models of care described in the literature. It reviewed their key features, effectiveness, opportunities and challenges. The review informed the guidance in the clinical practice guide.

Download the Orthogeriatric hip fracture care evidence check (PDF 553.5 KB)

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