Fact sheetAlcohol and Drug Cognitive Enhancement (ACE) program

Published: April 2021.

About the ACE program

  • The ACE program is for people seeking alcohol and drug treatment
  • Healthcare professionals like case managers use the program to work with clients
  • It helps people remain in and benefit from alcohol and drug treatment.

How does the program work?

  • The ACE program can help improve a person’s brain function. This makes alcohol and drug treatment easier to take on
  • Improved brain function can help with things like:
    • memory
    • planning
    • making decisions
    • thinking clearly.

What can I expect from the ACE program?

  • Your case manager uses the program’s screening and assessment tools; this identifies if you might benefit from the program
  • You and your case manager choose which program tools and resources you will use
  • You and your case manager work together and monitor your progress.

Who can the program help?

  • It could help you or a loved one with alcohol and drug treatment
  • Around 50% of people seeking treatment for alcohol or other drug use are affected by difficulties with brain function1, but it can improve with the right treatment.

How effective is the ACE program?

  • Program trials showed a large increase in the number of people completing drug and alcohol treatment; and a reduction in brain function impairment.

How can I access the program?

  • Ask your healthcare professional or case manager if they’ve heard of the ACE program; and if it could help you or a loved one
  • Information about the program is on the Agency for Clinical Innovation website.

Note for health professionals

  • You can give this digital fact sheet to your clients to learn about the program
  • You can give your client the page link, email it to them or print it out.

1 Copersino ML, Fals-Stewart W, Fitzmaurice G, Schretlen DJ, Sokoloff J, Weiss RD. Rapid cognitive screening of patients with substance use disorders. Exp Clin Psychopharmacol. 2009 Oct;17(5):337-44. doi: 10.1037/a0017260

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