Clinician Connect

Frailty Taskforce

31 Oct 2022 Reading time approximately

The taskforce has published new progressive resistance training for frailty resources to support physiotherapists and exercise physiologists prescribe and provide progressive resistance training (PRT) to older people living with, or at risk of, frailty.

The evidence-based resources include:

  • video demonstrations of specific exercises
  • videos that share the benefits of PRT
  • a guide for health professionals
  • the truth about PRT for consumers and clinicians.

A group people in their eighties and nineties who do PRT regularly demonstrate the exercises. They are guided by expert clinicians and share the benefits of this type of training.

This project was led by Professor Maria Fiatarone Singh who is a geriatrician and Bev Gow-Wilson, the Agency for Clinical Innovation’s Primary, Integrated and Community Health Network Manager. Learn more about the project in this issue of Clinician Connect.

Dr Nathan de Vos guides Sylvia through an exercise.

Dr Nathan de Vos guides Sylvia through an exercise.

Learn more or contact the Frailty Taskforce.

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