Consumer preparation

To support a good experience, prepare the consumer and their carer for virtual care.

Use the following checklist to help consumers prepare for appointments. You may also want to include specific requirements, such as a list of their medications, contact details for social or other healthcare providers, and medical results.

  • Appointment details with contact numbers
  • Provide the appointment details to other participants, such as a carer
  • A list of any questions they have
  • A pen and paper to write down notes
  • Details on how to connect
  • Access to a computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone that has a camera, microphone and speakers. Ensure it is fully charged or plugged in
  • A private, well-lit area where they will not be disturbed
  • Access to a good internet connection
  • Details of the backup plan if the technology fails.

If the consumer is attending a consultation and is caring for a young child, talk to them about having an activity, books or toys nearby to entertain the child while waiting, and throughout the consultation.

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