Building collaborative cultures of care

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Implementation of consumer and carer escalation of care delivery into mental health inpatient units

Northern Sydney Local Health District

Implemented REACH - a consumer and carer escalation process of care.

Service targeted

Metro Mental Health Inpatient Units (including MHICU and Child and Adolescent Units), NSLHD

How was the project embedded within practice?

Working parties with consumer and carer representatives were convened to guide REACH implementation.

Multilayered approach that required a cultural change and workflow changes to design educational resources, raise awareness, and committee reporting (monitoring awareness of clinicians, consumers and carers of new system and uptake).

What worked well?

  • Education reiterating that this was another safety net that promotes partnering with consumers and carers to overcome staff concerns that they would be in trouble if they had not alerted issue themselves.
  • The process was included and supported in the local Clinical Emergency Response System Procedure.
  • Ongoing evaluation processes included tabling REACH calls in the local Clinical Emergency Response System Committee - to keep track of whether this system was working.