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Co-design engagement and observation as a consumer resource

Northern Sydney Local Health District

Following the release of the Policy Directive PD2017_025 Engagement and Observation in Mental Health Inpatient Units and development of LHD procedure in response, a co-designed project was required to produce resources.29

Strong consumer involvement occurred to determine what information is important to them, how information should be presented and described in relation to therapeutic engagement and observation practice.

Service targeted

Mental Health Drug and Alcohol, NSLHD (large metro LHD )

How was the project embedded within practice?

  • Small group of clinicians and consumers convened to discuss therapeutic engagement and observation in terms of the policy directive and from a lived experience perspective.
  • Consumer’s perspective on what was important to them was gathered in the formulation of poster and leaflets.
  • Language and phrasing was determined important in describing therapeutic engagement – moving from ‘doing to’ to ‘connecting with’.
  • Language if used incorrectly through choice of words and how sentences are phrased was seen to inhibit recovery-orientated practice.
  • Produced resources included recovery-orientated language.

What worked well?

  • The poster and leaflet was widely used in admission packs and displayed within mental health units.
  • Resources strengthened by consumer involvement (more meaningful and user friendly).