Chronic pain and brain injury - Understanding Pain

Having chronic pain can feel overwhelming and it often stops you from doing the things you enjoy and getting on with daily life. Understanding that chronic pain is different to acute pain means you can choose the right tools and ways to manage your pain. Pushing through pain or resting too much can make pain worse. Finding a balance by pacing your activities is the key to getting your pain under control. This means you need to slowly build up your activity bit-by-bit.

Play the video to learn to use the tips and tools to Be Pain Smart.

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What is chronic pain

Chronic pain does not mean that there is new damage or injury to your body

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Try to make small changes every day

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Lifestyle and nutrition

Make a pain management plan with your doctor or carers and tackle it one step at a time

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Goal setting

Set some small goals that you can work towards slowly – it takes consistent effort over time to learn to manage your pain

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Maintaining the changes

Sometimes medications can help your pain, but it’s helpful to have other tools as well

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If the pain suddenly gets worse, refer to your pain plan

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