Chronic pain and brain injury - My Role

The roles you have in life help to define who you are – the roles in your family, at work and in your community. After a brain injury and when you have chronic pain, many of these roles change. To manage your pain, it helps to get back to your old roles or make new ones.

Play the video to learn to use the tips and tools to Be Pain Smart.

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Coming to terms with your pain

It can be easy to focus on what you can’t do or what you could do before. But it’s more helpful to focus on what you can do and how to make your life better now

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Adjusting to the new you

Just because something feels different doesn’t mean that it's wrong, it might take a while and some work for things to feel ok again

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Getting back into the community

Having chronic pain can sometimes make you feel cut off from others, but it's important to get out in your community and feel connected to the people around you

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Communicating better

It’s important to talk to your family, carers and friends about how your pain makes you feel

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Changing roles

Getting back to doing things that give you meaning is an important part of getting better

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Repairing relationships

How you interact with others can often be affected when you have chronic pain – when you focus on making your relationships stronger this can help manage your pain

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