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Pressure Injury Toolkit For Spinal Cord Injury and Spina Bifida

Beyond the wound - Bringing best practice to the bedside


Refer to:

  • A multidisciplinary team of health professionals including community nursing through local Community Health Services or an appropriate private provider.
  • A Wound, Rehabilitation or SCI Clinical Nurse Consultant or Specialist in local health district.

    And consider referral to
  • SCI-specific services found on the ACI SCI Referral Directory

For Red Flags or wounds requiring urgent surgical assessment or debridement, refer to Emergency Department and consider referral to tertiary SCI services (see below).

In NSW, tertiary SCI Pressure Injury Services include:

Spina Bifida

For adults with Spina Bifida, contact:

For a referral pathway (including tertiary referral and referral to SCI specific services):