Resources and Tools

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A narrative for person-centred coordinated care

This narrative describes what good quality integrated care looks like from the point of view of anyone who needs access to multiple services over time it was created by National Voices: a coalition of health and social care charities in England.

National Voices (UK)

A Universal Precautions approach

Definition of 'Universal Precautions Approach'

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

ACI Paediatric Network

The Paediatric Network works to improve the experience and delivery of healthcare for children (0 - 16 years) across NSW.

Agency for Clinical Innovation

ACI Transition Care Network

The Transition Care Network works to improve the experience and delivery of healthcare for young people with chronic health problems and disabilities as they transition from paediatric to adult health services.

Agency for Clinical Innovation

ACSQHC: Shared Decision Making

Information about the Commission's work in shared decision making including links to resources publications decision aids and webinars.

The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare

Advance Care Planning - NSW Health

Links to a range of NSW Health resources for advance care planning.

NSW Health

Advance Care Planning Australia

Resources fact sheets online learning and advance care directive forms.

Advance Care Planning Australia

AHRQ Health Literacy Universal Precautions Toolkit

Toolkit to help primary care practices reduce the complexity of health care increase patient understanding of health information and enhance support for patients of all health literacy levels. Developed for the USA but many of the tools will be useful in the Australian context.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (USA)

Appointment Reminder Translation Tool

A tool that allows allows you to translate appointment details into your client's language.

NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service

Appointment Reminder Translation Tool

A tool that allows allows you to translate appointment details into your client's language.

NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service

Appointment Reminder Translation Tool

A tool that allows allows you to translate appointment details into your client's language.

NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service

Ask Share Know

Evidence summaries and decision making tools to help GPs.

The Ask Share Know GP network

Auslan Signbank

Auslan Signbank is a language resources site for Auslan (Australian Sign Language) which includes a dictionary searchable database of signs links to Auslan classes and other resources.

Auslan Signbank

Auslan Signbank

Auslan Signbank is a language resources site for Auslan (Australian Sign Language) which includes a dictionary searchable database of signs links to Auslan classes and other resources.

Auslan Signbank

Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care

Access to the National Statement on health literacy and resources for improving health literacy for clinicians consumers and managers.

Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care

Australian Digital Health Agency

Information about My Health Record including registration set up and training; evidence review and Australia's National Digital Health strategy.

Australian Digital Health Agency

Australian Hospital Patient Experience Question Set (AHPEQS)

Nationally approved questions for consistent measurement of patients’ experiences in hospitals and day procedure services. Includes a community of practice for providers using the Question Set.

Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care

Being: Get Support

Links and phone numbers for NSW-run mental health consumer networks and support groups and NSW and National information and support services.


Best Practice Framework in Peer Support

This framework will assist organisations wanting to implement peer support programs or review exisiting programs. It is primarily aimed at not-for-profit organisations peer support services and and stand-alone peer support groups.

Chronic Illness Alliance

Bringing them Home Report

Report of the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from Their Families April 1997

Australian Human Rights Commission

Building Peer Support Programs to Manage Chronic Disease: Seven Models for Success

Report exploring peer support as a tool for improving the self-management of chronic diseases and finds that well-designed peer support interventions can be as effective as they are affordable. Includes links to further information.

California Health Care Foundation

Calgary Cambridge guide to the medical interview - communication process

Outline of a good communiation process for medical interviews aimed at GPs and may also be useful in other contexts.


Support for young people (12-25) impacted by cancer including families and friends.


Canteen Peer Support and Programs

Support for young people (12-25) impacted by cancer including families and friends


CareSearch: palliative care knowledge network

Funded by the Australian Government Department of Health. Information training and resources for health and care workers patients and families friends and carers including for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

The Department of Health

Case study: Home monitoring of chronic diseases

Case study of a national telehealth trial of home monitoring of chronic disease for aged care.


Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service(CAMHS) provide a range of services in the local community to children ?adolescents and their families with a range of difficulties that are seriously impacting on their mental health and emotional wellbeing.

NSW Health

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service(CAMHS) provide a range of services in the local community to children ?adolescents and their families with a range of difficulties that are seriously impacting on their mental health and emotional wellbeing.

NSW Health

Choosing Wisely Australia

A range of resources to support clinicians consumers and carers making decsions about tests treatments and procedures including 5 questions to ask your doctor.

NPS MedicineWise

Clinical Excellence Commission - Health Literacy

The NSW Health Literacy Framework outlines four health literacy priorities that aim to create a sustainable system level change and improve safety and quality of care.

Clinical Excellence Commission

Closing the Gap Annual Data Compilation Report

Closing the Gap aims to improve the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

Communicating Risk

2-hour learning module to support clinicians develop and refine their skills in communicating effectively about the benefits and risks of treatment options with patients and 3 videos that provide an overview on shared decision making challenge myths about shared decision making in practice and explain how to use patient decision aids and where to find them.

The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare

Consumer health information needs and preferences: Perspectives of culturally and linguistically diverse and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

A report on qualitative research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities to explore healthcare information needs and preferences and health information seeking behaviours.

Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care

Consumer information: Better Access Telehealth Services for people in rural and remote areas

The Australian Government is improving mental health support for people who live in rural and regional Australia by investing in Better Access services via video conferencing. Web page includes telehealth guidelines and FAQ about the Better Access telehealth services delivered by psychologists occupational therapists and social workers.

The Department of Health

Consumer's Perspective of Quality of Care Tool

A tool to get feedback from consumers about what they think about the quality of care they are receiving for their ongoing condition. The tool has been specifically designed for use in the remote primary health care context but is easily adapted to suit other care delivery contexts.

Menzies School of Health Research

Cultural Responsiveness In Action Framework

A framework for culturally responsive practice with an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander focus.

Indigenous Allied Health Australia

Digital health

A range of resources including Electronic Medication Management and Vaccine Clinical Finder

Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine

EBSCO My Health Decisions

Decision aids and links to research about shared decision making and decision aids.

EBSCO Health

Effective and respectful communication in forced displacement

This guide for people working with refugees supports effective and respectful communication provides guidance on dealing with and managing stress and emotions enabling staff to treat refugee people with dignity and empathy and to further facilitate and strengthen effective communication.

UNHCR The UN Refugee Agency

End of Life Decisions the Law and Clinical Practice: Information for NSW Health Practitioners

This website provides information for health professionals as to who legally in NSW can make end of life decisions and advice on how they should be made.

NSW Health

Evidence Summary: Shared Decision-Making for Mental Health

Evidence and implemenation guidance for shared decision making for youth mental health.

Orygen - The National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health

Exploring the role of self?management programmes in caring for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds in Melbourne Australia

Article that examines the extent to which a self-management program required modification for people with chronic illness from Vietnamese Greek Chinese and Italian communities.

Health Expectations

eYES survey

Electronic version of the Your Experience of Service (YES) survey instrument which mental health consumers can complete on their computer smartphone or tablet.

NSW Health - Mental Health Branch

Find a psychiatrist

Database of RANZCP psychiatrists searchable by location issue services and language spoken

The Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatrists

Find a psychologist

Database of APS member psychologists searchable by location and issue/s

Australian Psychological Society

Get healthy information and coaching service

Free phone-based health coaching and information service for consumers who want to make lifestyle changes; includes 13 calls in six months and free interpreter service. Site also includes healthy lifestyle information. Phone 1300 806 258

NSW Government

GoShare case study

Case study of how Feros Care used GoShare in its Staying Healthy Living Well program to improve their clients' health literacy self-management abilities and quality of life.

Centre for Healthcare Knowledge and Information

GoShare Healthcare

GoShare is a customisable content distribution platform which enables the efficient and measurable sharing of health resources tailored to patients’ information needs to help increase their health literacy.


GP Social Work Connect

GP Social Work Connect is a free short-term service available to all GP patients within the Ryde/Hornsby/Ku-ring-gai Local Government Areas .

Primary and Community Care Services Limited

Guiding patients through complexity: Motivational interviewing for patients with multimorbidity

Article providing a practical introduction to motivational interviewing skills that may be helpful in working with patients who have multimorbidity.

Australian Journal of General Practice


Mental health information support and resources for young people and their family and friends

National Youth Mental Health Foundation Ltd


Mental health information support and resources for young people and their family and friends

National Youth Mental Health Foundation Ltd

Health Change

Health coaching training workshops and resources.

Health Change Australia

Health Literacy Mesaurement

Embracing diversity in a strengths-based approach to promote health and equity and avoid epistemic injustice

Swinburne University of Technology

Health Literacy Questionnaire

Information about the Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLQ) and related tools.

Swinburne University of Technology

Health Literacy Questionnaire

Information about the Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLQ) and related tools.

Swinburne University of Technology

Health Literacy Tool Shed

An online database of health literacy measures. The site contains information about measures including their psychometric properties based on a review of the peer-reviewed literature.

Boston University

Health Literacy. The solid facts

Produced with evidence from the European Health Literacy Survey this resource identifies practical and effective ways public health and other sector authorities and advocates can strengthen health literacy in a variety of settings including educational settings workplaces marketplaces health systems new and traditional media and political arenas.

World Health Organization

Hello my name is…

A campaign to encourage and remind healthcare staff about the importance of introductions in healthcare as a key first step in compassionate person-centred care.

Hello My Name Is

HelloTas! A toolkit for Health Literacy Learning Organisations

A toolkit for health literacy learning organisations in the community sector and smaller community health organisations.

Tasmanian Council of Social Service

How to set up and run a group consultation

Video explains the key concepts behind setting up and running a group consultation in a primary care setting.

ELC Works

Implementing Health Coaching

Health coaching implementation tools and training.

American Medical Association

Implementing shared decision making

A learning report on clinical teams experiences of implementing shared decision making as part of the MAGIC programme in the UK.

The Health Foundation

Independent evaluation of the feasibility of using the Patient Activation Measure in the NHS England

Information that may be useful for organisations considering using the PAM or other appraoches to support consumers to recognise and develop their strengths and abilities to manage their health.

The Health Foundation

Integrated Team Care (ITC) Implementation Guidelines

The ITC contributes to improving health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with chronic health conditions through better access to coordinated and multidisciplinary care.

The Department of Health

International Patient Decision Aid Standards (IPDAS)

The criteria of the International Patient Decision Aid Standards (IPDAS) can be used for assessing the quality of patient decision aids.

The International Patient Decision Aid Standards Collaboration


An online community for young people with serious illness.

Starlight children's foundation


An online community for young people with serious illness

Starlight children's foundation

Making an Advance Care Directive - form and information booklet

The Information Booklet provides information to help people understand and complete an Advance Care Directive in NSW and includes a template form for making an Advance Care Directive.

NSW Health

Mental Health Carer Experience Survey

A tool to support mental health services to monitor and improve carer engagement as part of an evidence-informed quality improvement program (PREM).

Australian Mental Health Outcomes and Classification Network

Mental health services and programs for older people

Information about Older People’s Mental Health (OPMH) Services and links to furthe information services and contacts.

NSW Health

Mental health services and programs for older people

Information about Older People’s Mental Health (OPMH) Services and links to furthe information services and contacts.

NSW Health

Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT)

US resource with information research online training and links to further resouces.

The Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers

Motivational interviewing techniques: Facilitating behaviour change in the general practice setting

Article about potential role of motivational interviewing in facilitating behaviour change in the general practice setting.

Australian Journal of General Practice

Multicultural Health Communication Service

Provides multilingual resources translation service information and advice support for research with CALD communities support for communications activities and events.

NSW Health

Multicultural Health Communication Service

Translation services for health information and translation and checking guidelines for health staff.

NSW Health

My Health Learning

Search 'Motivational Interviewing' for a list of relevant modeules.


My Health Record: For you & your family

Information for consumers about My Health Record

Australian Digital Health Agency

My Values

A resource for consumers MyValues is a set of specially constructed statements designed to help you identify consider and communicate your wishes about the medical treatment you would want in the later stages of life.

Barwon Health

National guide to a preventive health assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

A guide to best practice preventive healthcare for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients. You can also access The National Guide Podcast and other resources from this page.


National Relay Service

A phone solution for people who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment.

National Relay Service

National Strategic Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ Mental Health and Social and Emotional Wellbeing 2021-2031

This Framework provides a dedicated focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social and emotional wellbeing and mental health. It sets out a comprehensive and culturally appropriate stepped care model that is equally applicable to both Indigenous specific and mainstream health services.

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

Newest Vital Sign (NVS)

A valid and reliable screening tool available in English and Spanish that identifies patients at risk for low health literacy. It is based on a nutrition label from an ice cream container and takes approximatley three minutes to administer.

Pfizer Inc.

Northern NSW Health Literacy

Comprehensive website of health literacy information tools and resources.

Northern NSW Local Health District and North Coast Primary Health Network

NSW Health & Civil Chaplaincies Advisory Committee NSW Memorandum of Understanding

The Memorandum of Understanding sets out the requirements for accredited chaplains to provide chaplaincy and pastoral care services in the NSW Health system.

NSW Health

NSW Health: Health care interpreting and translating services

Patients their families and carers who do not speak English as a first language or who are Deaf have the right to free confidential and professional interpreters when they use public health services. This page has links to free interpreter services and translation services across NSW Health.

NSW Health

NSW Refugee Health Service

A service to improve and protect the health of refugees in NSW.

NSW Health

NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors (STARTTS)

STARTTS supports refugees who have been exposed to traumatic events they publish a range of resources for clinicians and refugee people including the Hints for Healing website.


NSW Trustee & Guardian

Information about making a will powers of attorney enduring guardianship and more.

NSW Government

NSW Youth Health Framework 2017-24

This Policy sets out roles and requirements to facilitate the implementation of the NSW Youth Health Framework 2017-24. The Framework supports NSW Health to consider the health and wellbeing of young people when planning and delivering services and programs.

NSW Health

Open Notes: Everyone on the Same Page

A call to action for open communciation and information sharing between patients and providers. OpenNotes provides free tools and resources that help clinicians and health care systems share notes with patients.


palliAGED: Palliative care aged care evidence

Palliative care evidence and practice resources

The Department of Health and Flinders University

Palliative & End of Life Care: A Blueprint for Improvement

The Blueprint provides a flexible guide for health services to meet the needs of people approaching and reaching the end of life their families and carers and can be implemented across all settings of care

Agency for Clinical Innovation

Palliative Care and planning for End-of-Life Care

Information for consumers about starting the end-of-life care conversation.

The Department of Health

Patient Activation in the NHS

How the PAM is used in the NHS to assess patient activation and support consumer self-management.

NHS England

Patient Activation Measure (PAM)

The PAM identifies where an individual falls within four different levels of activation which can give providers insight to more effectively support each individual.

Insignia Health

Patient Decision Aids

An inventory of evidence-based decision aids and online training resources and tools.

The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute

Patient Decision Aids

Web page with links to research infographic and ACSQHC decision aids

The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare

Patient Navigation and Community Health Worker Training program

USA website includes free online eLearning Courses special topic courses and webinars that Australian clinicians and lay navigators may find useful and a range of patient navigation tools and resources.

Patient Navigator Training

Patient Reported Measures: Outcomes that Matter to Patients

The PRMs program endeavours to support patients and clinicians and add value to their interactions. The program is divided into Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) and Patient Reported Experience Measures (PREMs). Web page includes links to resources tools research online training and a community of interest.

Agency for Clinical Innovation

Patient-Reported Outcome Measures

Information about PROMs and reports which present evidence about the appropriate and meaningful use and implementation of PROMs.

Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care

Peer Leaders Online Training

This free course is designed to be a step by step guide to setting up and running a peer support group as well as a resource to help build the capacity of an existing one. The site also includes other training courses such as Health Literacy and resources including a peer support evaluation tool.

Chronic Illness Alliance

Peer support for chronic and complex conditions

A literature review to identfy effective models of peer support including sustainability and cost effectiveness.

Chronic Illness Alliance

Peer Work Hub

Website with information and resources for implementing and growing a peer workforce in the mental health context.

Mental Health Commission of NSW

Peers for Progress: Peer Support Around the World

Peers for Progress is a program of the American Academy of Family Physicians Foundation to promote peer support as a key part of health health care and prevention around the world. The website includes information resources tools and training.

Peers for Progress

Performance coaching in clinical practice workshop

Coaching workshop designed for GPs practice nurses allied health practitioners and other practice personnel. Face-to-face and online options.

Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine

Plain Language Summaries (PLS) of Publications Toolkit

Toolkit for producing plain language summaries of publications which improves transparency and accessibility and facilitates improved health literacy and shared decision making.

Envision Pharma Group

Planning for end of life

Information for consumers about starting conversations about end-of-life and advanced care planning other useful information and links to resources and contacts.

Commonwealth of Australia: my aged care

Policy Directive: Interpreters – Standard Procedures for Working with Health Care Interpreters

This Policy Directive describes when and how to work with health care interpreters to support safe effective and clear communication between health staff and patients their carers and families.

NSW Health

Policy Directive: Medicare Ineligible Asylum Seekers - Provision of Specified Public Health Services

This Policy Directive provides a process to identify Medicare ineligible community-based asylum seekers. It also lists services that attract a waiver of fees and instructions on what to charge when a waiver does not apply.

NSW Health

Principles of Communication

Online training module that looks at how you can facilitate good communication - whether you are a patient a carer or a health or social care professional. It aims to look at the basic things needed to make communication helpful for all involved.

NHS Health Education England

Programmed shared medical appointments: A novel procedure for chronic disease management

Article on programmed shared medical appointments which are an extension of the standard shared medical appointments model designed to help manage more complex and specific chronic disease issues.

Australian Journal of General Practice

PROMIS® (Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System)

A set of person-centered measures that evaluates and monitors physical mental and social health in adults and children. It can be used with the general population and individuals living with chronic conditions.

U. S. Department of Health and Human Services

Promoting Refugee Health

A online guide for doctors nurses and other health care providers caring for people from refugee backgrounds.

Foundation House – The Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture Inc

Providing culturally appropriate palliative care to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples

This national resource kit was developed to support the provision of palliative care to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients their families and communities and to encourage service providers to examine their practice for cultural appropriateness.

Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing is an online youth mental health service

ReachOut Australia

Refugee Health Network of Australia

The Refugee Health Network of Australia (RHeaNA) is a national network of health and community professionals who share an interest and/or expertise in refugee health.

The Refugee Health Network of Australia (RHeaNA)

Refugee Health Network of Australia

The Refugee Health Network of Australia (RHeaNA) is a national network of health and community professionals who share an interest and/or expertise in refugee health.

The Refugee Health Network of Australia (RHeaNA)

Respecting Patient Privacy and Dignity in NSW Health

A guide for NSW Health employees about respecting patient privacy and dignity including respecting and responding to cultural and spiritual needs. See section 4 - Respect the needs of dying patients the critically ill and their carers and section 5 - Respect culture and beliefs for information about supporting spiritual diversity.

NSW Health

Rural eHealth Strategy

The Rural eHealth Program will deliver a new approach to the way healthcare is delivered across rural areas of NSW.

NSW Health

Safety Issues at Transitions of Care

Consultation report on pain points relating to clinical information systems .

The Australian Commission of Safety and Quality in Health Care

SHARE Peer Support Program

A peer support program which links patients with a burn injury admitted to hospital with a burn injury survivor for face to face one on one social contact and support.

Agency for Clinical Innovation Burn Injury Network

Shared decision making model for Aboriginal peoples

Shared decision making model for Aboriginal peoples

Agency for Clinical Innovation

Shared decision making: what do clinicians need to know and why should they bother?

Article about shared decision making including the benefits and different approaches clinicians and consumers can use.

The Medical Journal of Australia

Shared Medical Appointments

A good overview of how shared medical appointments (SMAs) work. Includes video and links to a free introductory webinar SMA training workshop and research and articles on SMAs.

Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine

Shared medical appointments for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men

Article on a study to determine acceptability and appropriateness of shared medical appointments (SMAs) in primary care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men which found that SMAs may offer a culturally safe and appropriate tool to enhance Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ access to primary care.

Australian Family Physician

Supporting people to manage their health: An introduction to patient activation

This paper written by the creators of the PAM introduces a way of conceptualising and measuring consumer engagement known as 'patient activation'.

The King’s Fund

SWSLHD Consumer & Community Participation Framework

See chapter 15 - Health literacy

South Western Sydney Local Health District

Sydney North Health Literacy Program

Health literacy information and resources.

Sydney North Health Network


Free online learning module and other teach-back resources.

South Eastern Sydney Local Health District and Deakin University Health Systems Improvement Unit


Tele-Derm is an internationally recognised online resource designed to provide practical advice to rural doctors for diagnosis and management of skin disease in general practice. dermatological%20care%20closer%20to%20home.

Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine

Telehealth - RACGP

A range of telehealth resources for GPs including implementation and tech guidance and templates and fact sheets for patients.


Telehealth consultations with Aboriginal people for pain management

Guide for clinicians on providing chronic pain management services to Aboriginal people via telehealth.

Agency for Clinical Innovation Pain Management Network

Telehealth consultations with Aboriginal people for pain management

Guide for clinicians on providing chronic pain management services to Aboriginal people via telehealth.

Agency for Clinical Innovation Pain Management Network

Telehealth in psychiatry

Resources for psychiatrists using telepsychiatry in their practice including information on setting up a telepsychiatry system.


Telehealth Integration and Optimization Toolkit

Learn how to integrate and optimize telehealth in your practice in a sustainable way

American Medical Association

Telehealth: Specialist video consultations under Medicare

People in telehealth eligible areas of Australia have access to specialist video consultations under Medicare. This web page provides information and links to resources.

The Department of Health

The Chronic Illness Peer Support Group (ChIPS)

ChIPS is an adolescent peer support program at The Children's Hospital at Westmead for young people aged 12-25 years who are living with a chronic illness or condition that affects their day-to-day lives. ChIPS is run by adolescents for adolescents it offers social activities leadership opportunities and an annual camp.

The Sydney Children's Hospitals Network

The Chronic Illness Peer Support Group (ChIPS)

ChIPS is an adolescent peer support program at The Children's Hospital at Westmead for young people aged 12-25 years who are living with a chronic illness or condition that affects their day-to-day lives. ChIPS is run by adolescents for adolescents it offers social activities leadership opportunities and an annual camp.

The Sydney Children's Hospitals Network

The Health Literacy Place

Health literacy tools training evidence and resources.

NHS Education for Scotland

The Health Wide Area Network (HWAN)

The HWAN will provide a network which will support remote access multimedia applications and services data exchange voice and video services as well as wireless access across NSW Health laying the foundation for the successful delivery of clinical programs.

NSW Health

The Information Access Group

Information about what 'easy read' means and examples of easy read resources.

The Information Access Group

The mandate for health literacy

From the 10th Global Conference on Health Promotion Geneva 2021

World Health Organization Regional office for Europe

The Sydney Children's Hospitals Network

Comprehensive website including services and resources for working with children.

The Sydney Children's Hospitals Network

The Sydney Children's Hospitals Network: Chronic Illness fact sheet

Fact sheet on how chronic illness can impact psychological wellbeing and development in children and teens

The Sydney Children's Hospitals Network

The Sydney Children's Hospitals Network: The Chronic Illness Peer Support Group (ChIPS)

ChIPS is an adolescent peer support program at The Children's Hospital at Westmead for young people aged 12-25 years who are living with a chronic illness or condition that affects their day-to-day lives. ChIPS is run by adolescents for adolescents it offers social activities leadership opportunities and an annual camp.

The Sydney Children's Hospitals Network

Think Cultural Health - Resource Library

Comprehensive library of resources including research papers fact sheets training and toolkits; many will be useful for clinicians in the Australian context.

U. S. Department of Health and Human Services

Thinksulin - A Clinical Decision Support App

A point of care app for Junior Medical Officers and nursing staff that provides information and decision support on blood glucose level targets hypoglycaemia management blood glucose monitoring basal-bolus calculations and charting and reviewing doses.

Agency for Clinical Innovation

Three talk model

A three-talk model for shared decision making: multistage consultation process

The British Medical Journal

TIS – National Translating and interpreting service

Free service for private medical practitioners general practice staff pharmacies private allied health emergency services NGOs and others.

Department of Home Affairs

Towards better health for refugee children and young people in Australia and New Zealand

A report of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians that collates the literature and proposes recommendations to improve the delivery of healthcare to refugee children and young people.


Trapeze: a supported leap into adult health

Trapeze is a free service to help adolescents manage their condition better as they make the leap from their children’s hospital to adult health care services.

The Sydney Children's Hospitals Network

Trauma-Informed Care and Practice in Mental Health Services

A project that aims to improve the experience of care for consumers families and staff through the provision of Trauma-Informed Care and Practice in mental health services. Includes links to further reading.

ACI Mental Health Network

Trauma-Informed Care and Practice in Mental Health Services

A project that aims to improve the experience of care for consumers families and staff through the provision of Trauma-Informed Care and Practice in mental health services. Includes links to further reading.

ACI Mental Health Network

Useful links: Links to other websites related to palliative care.

Links to Commonwealth funded palliative care activities Australian governement sites and palliative care and support organisations.

The Department of Health

User Guide for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health

A guide for health service organisations to address six actions from the NSQHS Standards that are specific to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care

Using interpreters: a guide for GPs

Article outlining Australia’s system for providing interpreters for medical consultations and optimal ways of working with interpreters. Reprinted from Australian Family Physician Vol. 39 No. 4 April 2010.


Using the teach-back technique

Simple information sheet and good practice example.

Centre for culture ethnicity & health (Vic)

Video - Teach back - a technique for clear communication

Short training video for clinicians

North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network

Video - Three simple steps to better health

Short video for consumers.

Central and Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network

Video Call

Video Call has been developed by Healthdirect Australia to make it easy for healthcare providers to offer their services via video consultation. **Note: Healthdirect is no longer used by NSW Health but is still available for Commonwealth funded health services. **


Virtual Care - Agency for Clinical Innovation

Comprehensive information about virtual care links to resources

Agency for Clinical Innovation

Western Sydney Health Literacy Hub

The Hub provides access to resources on health literacy and practical tools to aid communication with patients and the public.

Western Sydney Local Health District

Words that Work: Making the best case for people seeking asylum

Words that Work is the result of a multi-phase research project to uncover the language that most effectively changes the debate around people seeking asylum and champions the principles that seeking asylum is a fundamental human right and all people have the right to live in peace.

Asylum Seeker Resource Centre

Young Australians: their health and wellbeing 2011

A statistical report on the health of young people aged 12-25 years.

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

Your Experience of Service

Training in the measures and their use for clinical practice service management and development purposes analysis and reporting and resources

Australian Mental Health Outcomes and Classification Network

Your Experience of Service (YES) report

Report on what consumers have said about NSW Mental Health Services by completing the YES Questionanaire.

Being and NSW Health