Consumer enablement guide

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Across the Lifespan

Enablement is important at every stage of life. A person’s stage of life can influence their needs, abilities, priorities and attitudes. It can also affect their consent and ability to make decisions about their health.

To support consumer enablement at every stage of life, it is important to work with the strengths, weaknesses, capabilities and circumstances of the person and their families, carers and guardians. This will help them achieve the best health and life outcomes, now and in the future.

Advance Care Planning

Advance care planning allows people to document their beliefs, values and preferences for healthcare, in case a situation occurs where the person is unable to make decisions or communicate their wishes.


Children and Young People

The principles, strategies and approaches used to support consumer enablement apply to children and young people, as well as their parents, carers or guardians.


End of Life Planning and Palliative Care

Palliative care describes specialist services provided by an interdisciplinary team of palliative care professionals, who work with people approaching the end of their life.


Older People

Helping older people become more enabled can have a big impact on their quality of life and burden of disease, and supports an efficient and sustainable healthcare system.