Consumer enablement guide

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Principles of Consumer Enablement

The goal of consumer enablement is for consumers, carers and communities to work in true partnership with healthcare providers, to achieve outcomes that matter to them.


  • Consumer enablement is based on the principles of person-centred care, which is a key component of high-quality healthcare.
  • A thorough assessment of each person as an individual is essential. Physical, psychological, social, literacy and environmental factors should be assessed where appropriate, according to relevant and evidence-based impact scales.
  • Assessments should always be underpinned by clinical judgement and decision making in partnership with the person.

Guiding principles

  • Partnership:
    consumers are engaged as true partners in their healthcare.
  • Compassion and empathy:
    healthcare is always delivered with compassion and empathy.
  • Trust:
    two-way trust is established and maintained.
  • Carers and family:
    the support and expertise of carers, families and communities is recognised, encouraged and valued.
  • Diversity:
    diversity is valued, and the different needs of people are understood and provided for.
  • Continuous learning:
    consumers and clinicians strive to continuously improve their knowledge, skills, health literacy and self-management strategies, and foster environments that support ongoing learning.

What does success look like?

  • Consumers are active participants in managing their own health, and we identify what matters most to them.
  • Consumers and healthcare providers work in genuine partnership to support the consumers’ wellness and healthcare needs.
  • The health system delivers funding models and policies that support consumer enablement principles and approaches.
  • Healthcare providers across NSW promote the delivery of safe, coordinated and integrated care, centred on people’s needs.