Patient blood management
Patient Blood Management Guidelines
These evidence-based patient blood management guidelines comprise six modules. The guidelines reflect a systematic review of the scientific literature and clinical expert consensus.
Source: National Blood Authority
More about the patient blood management guidelines
Administration of blood products
Guidelines for the Administration of Blood Products
Guidance on the appropriate storage, collection and transport of blood products, as well as the safe administration of blood products and the management of transfused patients. This document should be used as a best practice reference to inform jurisdictional and health service policy and procedural documents.
Source: Australian & New Zealand Society of Blood Transfusion
More about the guidelines for administration of blood products
Critical bleeding – major haemorrhage protocol
Each facility, local health district or specialty health network should have local major haemorrhage protocol to activate and manage critical bleeding.
Patient blood management guideline for adults with critical bleeding
The critical bleeding guideline includes an editable template. The template is a set of prompts and allows you to insert key contacts and numbers for your facility.
Source: National Blood Authority
Trauma patients with uncontrolled bleeding
‘Code crimson’ is a term that is commonly used by hospital-based teams managing patients with life-threatening haemorrhage that is refractory to resuscitation. This includes prehospital identification and subsequent notification to the receiving trauma centre.
A code crimson activation streamlines patient access to definitive intervention, including an operating theatre or interventional radiology suite.
Management of traumatic haemorrhagic shock: Quick reference guide
Criteria for major haemorrhage protocol activation and control
Use of RhD immunoglobulin
Current recommendations in the use of immunoglobulin in Rh negative patients who are sensitised (such as miscarriage):
- Prophylactic use of Rh D immunoglobulin in pregnancy care
Source: National Blood Authority - Maternity - Rh (D) immunoglobulin (anti D) (GL2015_011)
Source: NSW Ministry of Health
Both documents include a care pathway.
More about the use of RhD immunoglobulin
Useful links
Blood management standard
Identify risks and use strategies that optimise and conserve a patient's own blood. Ensure that any blood and blood products that patients receive are safe and appropriate.
Source: Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
NSW Health policies
Blood management (PD2024_024)
Comply with NSW and Commonwealth regulatory responsibilities related to blood management and provide safe and reliable blood management practice to patients in NSW.
Patients with inherited bleeding disorders in hospitals without a haemophilia treatment centre (PD2023_005)
Manage patients with inherited bleeding disorders who require treatment in hospitals that do not have a dedicated Haemophilia Treatment Centre.
Blood watch
Identify and address risks related to transfusion practice, patient blood management and the supply of blood and blood products.
Source: Clinical Excellence Commission
Useful websites
Australia & New Zealand Society of Blood Transfusion
Member organisation which provides guidelines and education.
Blood information for health professionals
Forms, resources and calculators for blood products and transfusion practice.
Source: Lifeblood
iTransfuse App
Information and tools to support the prescription of red cells and platelets, diagnostic information about transfusion reactions
Source: Lifeblood
Patient information
National Blood Authority: Patient information
Clinical Excellence Commission: Information for consumers
BloodSafe e-learning
Online courses relating to clinical transfusion practice including blood specimen collection, transportation, postpartum haemorrhage, iron deficiency, critical bleeding and patient blood management.
NSW Health staff can access the BloodSafe courses via My Health Learning. Search for 'BloodSafe' in the catalogue.
Accessed from the Emergency Care Institute website at