Attending an emergency department (ED) can be a daunting experience for many, who may be seriously ill or have injured themselves.
This section contains practical information for patients and carers. It is a collation of resources from several sources.
General information about the emergency department
Introduction to the ED, locations and wait times.
Emergency departments
A summary of what the ED is, what to expect, when to go, how to find your nearest one and alternatives.
NSW Health
Emergency Department Waiting Times
Real time information on the number of people waiting in EDs in NSW.
NSW Health
What to expect from your visit to the emergency department (PDF 283 KB)
An introduction to the ED, including, what information to bring, what is expected, tests, support available, your rights and after the ED. This brochure is available in community languages on the Emergency department care page of the NSW Ministry of Health website.
NSW Health
Hospital emergency departments
A summary of what the ED is, what to expect, when to go, staff roles, discharge, costs and alternatives.
Specific information
Information on specific conditions that may cause you to go to the ED.
Patient fact sheets
An overview of the symptoms, causes and treatments for common illnesses or injuries seen in the emergency department.
Emergency Care Institute
Health topics
An alphabetical list of health information to help you decide if you need to go to the ED.
Get involved
Members of the ECI have the opportunity to have a say on our work to improve emergency care in NSW.