Responding to health system challenges
with evidence

We use a strong evidence base to inform emerging innovations and evaluate their potential for wider use and system transformation. We bring together the best clinical expertise with the latest evidence to address health system challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 Critical Intelligence Unit

We bring together clinical, analytic, research and policy experts to provide rapid, evidence-based advice during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the CIU has produced

over 0

evidence-based products to inform the health system response to COVID-19

The Critical Intelligence Unit (CIU) continues to provide rapid, evidenced-based insights that inform decisions on the pandemic response. It is recognised as having value beyond COVID-19, offering systems intelligence, clinical intelligence and evidence integration.

In 2022, the CIU produced more than:

The CIU web pages had more than 199,000 views.

“The success of the CIU is a remarkable example of the ongoing commitment to partnerships and collaboration across NSW Health agencies, consumers and frontline clinicians.”

Dr Kim Sutherland, Director, Evidence, ACI, was awarded a Public Service Medal in 2022 for outstanding service to NSW Health, particularly during the pandemic.

Predictive modelling informs health decisions

The CIU developed the modelling to support agile and rapid resourcing decisions throughout COVID-19 waves.

  • Modelling was used to provide weekly projections regarding intensive care unit (ICU) capacity and staffing in the light of COVID case numbers, hospitalisations and other key variables.
  • Projections were made approximately 10 weeks into the future.
  • The model considered COVID case numbers, as well as resourcing required from non-COVID patients, allowing a more comprehensive and realistic assessment of the likely demands on hospital and system resources.
  • It has been a useful mechanism for collaboration and coordination across divisions and agencies.

COVID-19 communities of practice

We are leading 12 of the 30 NSW Health communities of practice (CoP) established to collaborate, share strategies and provide expert guidance on healthcare during the pandemic.

  • CoPs have drawn on the strength of the ACI’s 40 clinical networks.
  • More than 2,500 network members have contributed to CoP activity.
  • CoPs have developed 150+ evidence-based resources to support clinical care.
  • New insights gained are informing ways of working, beyond the pandemic.



clinicians and affiliates

producing over


evidence-based resources

Working with primary care

Working with primary care has been crucial to develop meaningful clinical guidance throughout COVID-19.

  • The ACI’s GP Advisory Group supported the development of targeted vaccination approaches.
  • We worked with primary care clinicians to develop and disseminate information and support to GPs about caring for people with COVID-19.
  • This strengthened our relationship with HealthPathways to ensure consistency of clinical guidance across health sectors.

“The ACI recognises, values and seeks the input and involvement of primary care as this makes our innovation more impactful for patients.”

Dr Jean-Frédéric Levesque, Chief Executive, ACI

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