Building capacity for

We have empowered NSW Health staff to innovate and improve service delivery with skill and confidence, by providing healthcare redesign training.

Healthcare redesign in practice

The ACI’s Centre for Healthcare Redesign School continues to build capability for NSW Health staff to redesign and improve service delivery across all aspects of the patient's journey.

  • The ACI partners with the University of Tasmania to offer three graduate certificate programs each year.
  • Since 2016, almost 280 people have graduated from the ACI’s Clinical Healthcare Redesign School.

“Redesign breathes life into the project. It widens the lens of the initial project idea and allows for more ideas, communication and innovation to be revealed.”

Centre for Healthcare Redesign graduate feedback

  • Graduation ceremonies were held virtually for 20 graduates throughout 2020–2021. An additional 62 NSW Health staff are currently completing the program.
  • Projects are published on the ACI’s Innovation Exchange to support knowledge sharing and learning across the health system.
  • In 2020, the ACI launched the Partnerships for Improving Healthcare Delivery for Aboriginal People program – a dedicated cohort to address issues impacting Aboriginal communities.
Artwork representing the learning pathway.
This artwork represents the learning pathway through the redesign methodology and was commissioned for the ACI’s Centre for Healthcare Redesign School. The artist is Kamilaroi/Gamilaraay man Dennis Golding.
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