Use these resources as a guide to medical imaging in the emergency department.
Imaging guidelines
These sites provide a range of guidelines to guide the appropriate choice of diagnostic imaging in clinical situations:
- American College of Radiology
- Canadian Association of Radiologists 2021-2022 Diagnostic imaging referral guidelines
- Radiology Across Borders: Diagnostic imaging pathways
Choosing Wisely
Choosing Wisely Australia
Resources for clinicians and consumers, listing tests, treatments and procedures that they should question.
Source: Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
Specific medical college recommendations on tests and studies to avoid:
- Australasian College for Emergency Medicine recommendations
- The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists recommendations
- C-spine imaging in ED: A point of care guide to interpreting CTs, plain films and rationalising their use in ED (PDF 3.5 MB)
Published: Jun 2015. Next review: 2026.
Source: ECI - CT head in ED: A point of care guide to interpreting CTBs and rationalising their use in ED (PDF 2.3 MB)
Published: Jun 2015. Next review: 2026.
Source: ECI - How to read a head CT (PDF 1.8 MB)
Published: June 2019. Next review: 2026.
Source: ECI - Radiology imaging database
A collection of over 120,000 pathological images.
Source: Life in the Fast Lane
Patient fact sheets
- Medical imaging in pregnancy
Source: ECI - Medical Imaging Network fact sheets
Fact sheets on CT scans, MRI and MRI with gadolinium-based contrast injections.
Source: Agency for Clinical Innovation
Further resources
- Inside Radiology
Provides useful information for consumers as well as providers on the indicators, contraindicators and risks of each radiological test.
Source: Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists - RANZCR Standards of Practice for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
See page 47 - 10-1-1 Monitors – General X-Ray, CR/DR - The interpretation and reporting of general x-ray, CR examinations are carried out on monitors with a minimum resolution of 1600x1200 MP colour/monochrome.
Source: Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists
Accessed from the Emergency Care Institute website at