Paediatric ECAT protocol

Diarrhoea and/or vomiting

P7.2 Published: December 2023. Printed on 18 Jul 2024.

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Any person, 4 weeks to 15 years, presenting with liquid stool and/or vomiting.

This protocol is intended to be used by registered and enrolled nurses within their scope of practice and as outlined in The Use of Emergency Care Assessment and Treatment Protocols (PD2024_011). Sections marked triangle or diamond indicate the need for additional prerequisite education prior to use. Check the medication table for dose adjustments and links to relevant reference texts.

  • Exercise caution in patients presenting with vomiting only.
  • Consider alternate causes, including raised intracranial pressure, infection, gastrointestinal obstruction and switch protocol if indicated.

History prompts, signs and symptoms

These are not exhaustive lists. Maintain an open mind and be aware of cognitive bias.

History prompts

  • Presenting complaint
  • Onset and duration of symptoms
  • Volume of oral intake and output
  • Pain assessment
  • Pre-hospital treatment
  • Recent exposure to an infectious person or travel
  • Past admissions
  • Medical and surgical history, including short gut, reflux or any abdominal surgery
  • Current medications
  • Known allergies
  • Immunisation status
  • Current weight

Signs and symptoms

  • Pallor
  • Dry mucous membranes
  • Thirst
  • Abdominal cramps or pain
  • Nausea
  • Reduced oral intake
  • Concentrated dark urine, anuria or decreased wet nappies
  • Lethargy
  • Fever
  • Weight loss or anorexia

Red flags

Recognise: identify indicators of actual or potential clinical severity and risk of deterioration.

Respond: carefully consider alternative ECAT protocol. Escalate as per clinical reasoning and local CERS protocol, and continue treatment.


  • Age less than 6 months
  • Recent surgery
  • Post-organ transplant
  • Immunocompromised and/or chemotherapy
  • Recent head injury


  • Altered level of consciousness, confusion or agitation
  • Mottled skin
  • Capillary refill 3 seconds and over
  • Severe dehydration
  • Severe abdominal pain, guarding or distension
  • Haematemesis
  • Faecal vomit
  • Green vomit, i.e. bile
  • Vomiting without diarrhoea
  • Diarrhoea over 10 days
  • Blood and/or mucous in stool
  • Refusal to walk
  • Absent or high-pitched bowel sounds

Remember child or adolescent at risk: patient or carer concern, suspected non-accidental injury or neglect, multiple comorbidities or unplanned return.

Clinical assessment and specified intervention (A to G)

If the patient has any Yellow or Red Zone observations or additional criteria (as per the relevant NSW Standard Emergency Observation Chart), refer and escalate as per local CERS protocol and continue treatment.



General appearance/first impressions

Position of comfort



Patency of airway

Maintain airway patency

Consider airway opening manoeuvres and positioning



Respiratory rate and work of breathing

Consider auscultation of chest (breath sounds)

Oxygen saturation (SpO2)

Assist ventilation as clinically indicated

Apply oxygen to maintain SpO2 over 93%



Severe dehydration and/or shock: dehydration 10% and over

  • Reduced conscious state
  • Tachycardia
  • Increased respiratory rate or acidotic breathing
  • Hypotension
  • Pale or mottled
  • Cold extremities
  • Weak peripheral pulse
  • Deeply sunken eyes and/or fontanelle
  • Dry mucous membranes
  • Decreased skin turgor
  • CRT 3 seconds and over

Escalate immediately as per local CERS protocol

Attach cardiorespiratory monitor

Insert IV cannula, if trained

If unable to obtain IV access, consider intraosseous, if trained

See pathology section

Give sodium chloride 0.9% at 20 mL/kg IV/intraosseous bolus once only, maximum dose 1000 mL

If shock is unresolved following initial bolus, switch to sepsis (suspected) protocol

Keep NBM until review

Moderate dehydration: 5–9% dehydration

  • Lethargic or irritable
  • Normal-mild tachycardia
  • Increased respiratory rate
  • Dry mucous membranes
  • Sunken eyes and/or fontanelle
  • CRT 3 seconds and over
  • Decreased skin turgor

Start trial of oral fluids using oral rehydration solution (ORS), see specific treatment section, or frequent breastfeeds where appropriate

Aim for 10 mL/kg/hr of ORS. Give slowly in incremental doses

If refusing feeds or having profuse losses, check for contraindications of rapid nasogastric rehydration:

  • no bowel sounds
  • reduced level of consciousness
  • persistent abdominal pain
  • significant comorbidities
  • age under 6 months

If contraindications present, escalate as per local CERS protocol.

Rapid nasogastric rehydration

  • Insert nasogastric tube and confirm placement
  • Start rapid nasogastric rehydration (NGR) with ORS via an enteral pump at 10 mL/kg/hr for 4 hours
  • If not tolerating enteral rehydration (persistent vomiting) and/or worsening clinical state, escalate immediately as per local CERS protocol and treat as severe dehydration

Mild dehydration: less than 5% dehydration

  • No clinical signs of dehydration

Start trial of oral fluids using oral rehydration solution (ORS), see specific treatment section, or frequent breastfeeds where appropriate

Aim for 10 mL/kg/hr of ORS (give slowly in incremental doses)



If AVPU shows reduced level of consciousness, continue to assess GCS, pupillary response and limb strength

GCS, pupillary response and limb strength

Obtain baseline and repeat assessment as clinically indicated


Assess pain. If indicated, give early analgesia as per analgesia section then resume A to G assessment



Measure temperature

Head-to-toe inspection, including posterior surfaces

Check and document any abnormalities



Hydration status

Assess fluids, in and out. Document on fluid balance chart. Include gastrointestinal losses

Nausea and/or vomiting

If actively vomiting and/or unable to tolerate fluids, and over 6 months, give ondansetron:

  • 8–15 kg: 2 mg orally, once only
  • 15–30 kg: 4 mg orally, once only
  • Over 30 kg: 8 mg orally, once only


Assessment Intervention


Measure BGL. See medication table for 40% glucose gel dosing

If BGL between 2 mmol/L and 3 mmol/L and NOT symptomatic (Yellow Zone criteria):

  • give quick-acting carbohydrate:
    • Up to 12 months: milk feed and/or 40% glucose gel buccal
    • 12 months and over: sugary soft drink or fruit juice or 40% glucose gel buccal
  • reassess BGL in 15–30 minutes and repeat treatment until BGL over 3 mmol/L

If BGL less than 2 mmol/L OR symptomatic (Red Zone criteria) OR unable to tolerate oral glucose:

  • give 40% glucose gel buccally in incremental doses, as tolerated, while establishing IV access
  • give 10% glucose, 2 mL/kg by slow IV injection once only
  • if IV access delayed, give:
    • Up to 25 kg: glucagon 0.5 mg IM, once only
    • 25 kg and over: glucagon 1 mg IM, once only
  • reassess BGL in 15 minutes

Once stabilised, give patient long-acting carbohydrate and continue to check BGL hourly, or as clinically indicated

If BGL over 10 mmol/L:

  • check blood ketones
  • escalate as per local CERS protocol

Repeat and document assessment and observations to monitor responses to interventions, identify developing trends and clinical deterioration. Escalate care as required according to the local CERS protocol.

Focused assessment

Complete a dehydration focused assessment.

Consider an abdominal focused assessment.

Precautions and notes

  • Most cases of diarrhoea and vomiting are self-limiting and only require encouragement of fluid intake and hydration monitoring.
  • Nasogastric rehydration is a safe and effective way of rehydrating patients with moderate dehydration, and is preferred over the intravenous route.
  • Rapid improvement following rehydration therapy is common. Any patient receiving rehydration therapy is expected to gradually improve. If there are clinical concerns despite improvement, escalate as per local CERS protocol.
  • Ondansetron can be given for symptomatic relief. However, cessation of vomiting does not exclude a serious cause.
  • Medications to stop diarrhoea are not recommended.
  • Bilious, dark green vomiting is due to a gastrointestinal obstruction until proven otherwise and requires an urgent surgical referral.
  • If vomiting without diarrhoea, consider causes other than gastroenteritis, e.g. intracranial causes, non-accidental injury (NAI).
  • Patients should cease fortified formulas during acute illness.

Interventions and diagnostics

Specific treatment

  • Weigh patient before starting rehydration.
  • Bare weight, if possible, otherwise minimal clothing.

Oral replacement therapy (ORT)

  • Breastfeeding: encourage frequent small feeds.
  • Encourage parents to explore alternative methods of rehydration, such as ice blocks, the use of oral syringes or teaspoons. Examples of suitable oral rehydration solutions (ORS) include Gastrolyte®, Hydralyte® and Pedialyte®.
  • If other fluids are refused, give a mixture of apple juice and water in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Encourage the reintroduction of an age-appropriate diet once vomiting has settled.


If pain score 1–6 (mild–moderate): give paracetamol 15 mg/kg orally once only, maximum dose 1000 mg

If severe pain present, give analgesia and escalate as per local CERS protocol.

Consider non-pharmacological pain relief (appendix).

Procedural analgesia

For pain relief required during procedures only, not used to replace appropriate analgesia.

Sucrose 24%

  • 1–18 months: give 1–2 mL orally per procedure
  • Maximum dose:
    • 1–3 months: up to 5 mL in 24 hours
    • 3–18 months: up to 10 mL in 24 hours.

Repeat as needed up to the maximum dose.


Not usually indicated. If there is concern for urgent radiology, escalate care as per local CERS protocol.


  • Urinalysis:
    • Patient who can void in the toilet: mid-stream urine
    • Patient who is not toilet trained: clean catch or catheter urine
    • If only vomiting or positive for nitrites and/or leucocytes, send for MC&S. Keep the sample refrigerated if transport delayed.
    • Refer to urine sampling appendix for further detail
  • Stool culture for:
    • returned traveller with persistent diarrhoea
    • unwell with bloody diarrhoea
    • immunocompromised with fever or diarrhoea
    • diarrhoea lasting over 7 days
  • Signs of shock: VBG with lactate
  • Requiring IV hydration: FBC, UEC, glucose


The patient’s weight is mandatory for calculating fluid and medication doses.

The Broselow Tape or APLS weight table (appendix) can be used only in circumstances where the patient cannot be weighed.

The shaded sections in this protocol are only to be used by registered nurses who have completed the required education.

Drag the table right to view more columns or turn your phone to landscape

Drug Dose Route Frequency

Up to 25 kg:
0.5 mg

25 kg and over:
1 mg


Once only

2 mL/kg

Slow IV injection

Once only

Glucose 40% gel
(0.4 g/mL)

4 weeks1 year:
200 mg/kg (=0.5 mL/kg)

15 years: 5 g

611 years: 10 g

12 years and over : 15 g


Repeat after 15 minutes if required

Over 6 months and 8–15 kg:
2 mg

15–30 kg:
4 mg

Over 30 kg:
8 mg


Once only

Oral rehydration solution (Hydralyte)

10 mL/kg/hr


Mild and moderate dehydration

Give slowly in incremental doses

10 mL/kg/hr

Nasogastric via enteral infusion pump

Moderate dehydration

Give over 4 hours


0.25–15 L/min, device dependent



Paracetamol H

15 mg/kg

Maximum dose 1000 mg


Pain score 1–10

Once only

20 mL/kg

Maximum dose 1000 mL



Once only

Sucrose 24%

1–18 months:
1–2 mL per procedure

Maximum dose
1–3 months:
Up to 5 mL in 24 hours

3–18 months:
Up to 10 mL in 24 hours


Used during procedures only

Repeat if required to maximum dose

Medications with contraindications or requiring dose adjustment are marked:

  • H for patients with known hepatic impairment
  • R for patients with known renal impairment.

Escalate to medical or nurse practitioner.


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Evidence informed

Information was drawn from evidence-based guidelines and a review of latest available research. For more information, see the development process.


This protocol was developed by the ECAT Working Group, led by the Agency for Clinical Innovation. The group involved expert medical, nursing and allied health representatives from local health districts across NSW. Consensus was reached on all recommendations included within this protocol.

Currency Due for review: Jan 2026. Based on a regular review cycle.
Feedback Email

Accessed from the Emergency Care Institute website at

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