ECAT paediatric assessment

Neurovascular and skin assessment

Published: December 2023. Printed on 17 Jul 2024.

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  • Obtain consent and take a photograph of the wound, ensuring to include measurements.
  • Check if the wound edges are jagged or straight.
  • Assess if the wound has opposing margins.
  • Check for surrounding erythema, oedema, grazing or contamination.
  • Check for the presence of proximal and distal pulses to the site of injury.
  • Assess for bony tenderness. Consider musculoskeletal focused assessment.

Movement and sensation

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NerveSensation Motor function

Palpate webbing space between thumb and index finger, including the dorsal surface of the hand

The ability to extend the wrist and fingers at the knuckle joint

If a cast is over the hand, only assess the extension of the fingers


Palpate webbing space between thumb and index finger, including the palmar surface of the hand

The ability to bring thumb and little finger together so they are touching


Palpate between the little finger and distal ring finger on the palmar and distal surface of the hand

The ability to abduct all fingers


Palpate dorsal surface of the foot

The ability to dorsiflex ankle and toes


Palpate plantar surface of foot

The ability to plantar flex ankle and toes

Source: The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne. Clinical practice guidelines: Neurovascular observations. Melbourne (Vic): 2023 [cited 2023].

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