ECAT adult assessment

Respiratory assessment

Published: December 2023. Printed on 18 Jul 2024.


  • Observe the patient’s most comfortable position
  • Only reposition if there is altered consciousness, or reduced ability for the patient to reposition themselves.


  • Look at the chest and abdomen, maintaining normothermia and privacy.
  • Look at the overall appearance of the patient, including their level of activity, ability to speak in sentences and shortness of breath.
  • Assess for injury, deformity, wounds or swelling.
  • Look for signs of upper airway obstruction, including drooling and stridor.
  • Look at the colour, peripherally and centrally.
  • Count the respiratory rate and assess the pattern of respirations as:
    • regular
    • irregular
    • shallow
    • tachypnoeic
    • bradypnoeic.
  • Assess the patient's respiratory effort.
  • Look for use of accessory muscles.
  • Assess chest expansion for symmetry. Consider flail chest or pneumothorax in asymmetrical movements.
  • Check if the trachea is midline.
  • Listen for a productive or dry cough or sputum.
  • Measure the oxygen saturation.
  • Look for finger clubbing.


  • Auscultate the lung fields with a stethoscope, listening for:
    • quality of breath sounds
    • adventitious breath sounds, e.g. wheeze, crackles, crepes or stridor
    • location of sounds.
  • Listen for audible sounds, e.g. stridor, hoarse voice, wheeze, grunting or cough.


  • Feel for even chest expansion. Consider flail chest or pneumothorax in asymmetrical chest movements.
  • Feel for skin temperature, turgor and moisture.
  • Measure the capillary return, centrally and peripherally.
  • Feel for fremitus. Increased fremitus may indicate inflammation or dense lung tissue.
  • Feel for subcutaneous emphysema.


  • Check if the patient has had any pain, pressure or tightness in their chest or radiation of pain to the jaw, shoulder or arm. Consider chest pain protocol.

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