Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website may contain images, voices and names of deceased persons.

Implementation toolkit and resources

This toolkit provides resources to help you implement the Gadjigadji initiative. Please download the resources for use in your environment.


My rehab, my journey - Gagjigadji poster

Poster developed for the My rehab, my journey - Gadjigadji project, using Aboriginal artwork and suitable to display in wards.

My rehab, my journey - artwork poster (Danielle Mate Sullivan)

Poster of the artwork created by Danielle Mate Sullivan. The artwork depicts the Aboriginal people at the centre of the circle, surrounded by the team - medical, family and friends - that supports them. Print and display in wards.

My rehab, my journey - artwork poster (Aunty Cecily Welington-Carpenter)

Poster of the artwork created by the late Aunty Cecily Welington-Carpenter. The artwork depicts the hospital experience; coming into hospital, assessment, treatment, on the ward, visits by family and the importance of attending folow up appointments wiht your GP to get healthy. Print and display in wards.

Ward template poster for Aboriginal support services

Template poster for rehabilitation wards to populate with details of their ALO and Aboriginal support services.

Clinician quick quiz

Quiz to test knowledge and and learn how to improve the care and communication with Aboriginal people undergoing rehabilitation.

Service audit tool

This service audit tool can be used assess the level of awareness of Aboriginal culture and whether there are strategies in place to support a culturally-safe care environment for Aboriginal people and their families in a rehabilitation ward.

Stories from Aboriginal people

Stories of Aboriginal people who have received rehabilitation treatment.

My rehab, my journey - Gadjigadji video

About the My rehab, my journey - Gadjigadji project

Clinical yarning: Social yarning

Video developed to guide clinicians in rehabilitation wards on how to do social yarning.

Clinical yarning: Diagnostic and management yarning

Video developed to guide clinicians in rehabilitation wards on how to do diagnostic yarning.

Clinical yarning: Yarning with kids and families

This video is about yarning with families of children who are receiving rehabilitation treatment. It focuses on respectful and thoughtful communication, and including parents in making decisions about their children's treatment.

Patient and carer brochure

Brochure developed for patients and carers to learn more about what you can expect from physical rehabilitation. This version of the brochure has been designed to print as single A4 pages and can be used to display in the wards.

Patient and carer brochure (folded A4 page)

Brochure developed for patients and carers to learn more about what you can expect from physical rehabilitation. This version of the brochure has been designed to print as a bifold brochure. Print as double sided and select 'flip on short edge'.

Quick guide to implementation

Planning support for each stage of the project.

Implementation timeline template

Excel template to help plan improvement timeframes.

Ward communication plan

Word document designed to support communicating planning for the ward.

Cultural safety survey

A patient experience survey for patients and/or visitors to provide feedback on services at a local level. Survey produced by Elissa Elvidge, Yin Paradies, Rosemary Aldrich and Carl Holder. See article below published in the Australian Health Review on cultural safety in hospital for more details.

Cultural safety in hospitals: Validating an empirical measurement tool to capture the Aboriginal patient experience

Australian Health Review, 2020, 44, p 205-211. This article discusses a study looking at developing a scale to measure cultural safety in hospitals from an Aboriginal perspective. This study involved the development of the cultural safety survey, which is provided as an implementation tool for the Gadjigadji project.

Prioritisation and implementation planning template

Template to assist with prioritising and developing ideas for action in wards.

Asking the question: Improving the identification of Aboriginal people

eLearning module on MyHealthLearning delivers information about how to ask clients about their cultural status, how to deal with different responses, and highlights how asking the question is essential to appropriate service delivery (NSW Health staff only).

Clinical yarning: Social yarn

Video developed to guide clinicians in rehabilitation wards on how to do social yarning.

Clinical yarning: Diagnostic and management yarning

Video developed to guide clinicians in rehabilitation wards on how to do diagnostic yarning.

Communicating positively: A guide to appropriate Aboriginal terminology - NSW Health guideline

Provides information and guidance on appropriate word usage when working with Aboriginal people and communities, and when developing policy and programs.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples - Preferred terminology to be used

Policy directive from NSW Health on preferred terminology for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Daalbirrwirr Ganambigu: Safe children model of care - clinical yarning (pp 18-26): MNCLHD

Cultural safety for Aboriginal families model of care - allow care with culturally competent staff, a culturally safe environment and integration with appropriate, supportive services.

Yarn with me: Applying clinical yarning to improve clinician-patient communication in Aboriginal health care

Contains a good table: Keys to clinical yarning and splits social yarn/management yarn/diagnostic yarn

Map of Aboriginal health and medical services

This interactive map of Australia from Australian Indigenous Health Infonet enables you to search for Aboriginal and Islander Health/Medical Services by state or territory.

Ward template poster for Aboriginal support services

Template poster for rehabilitation wards to populate with details of their ALO and Aboriginal support services.

Decision making framework for NSW health Aboriginal health practitioners

This framework will enable NSW Health organisations to make local decisions regarding Aboriginal Health Practitioners undertaking clinical activities

Shared decision-making: Consumer enablement guide

Consumer enablement guide to support shared decision-making.

Aboriginal people and Communities: Consumer enablement guide

Consumer enablement guide to support Aboriginal people and communities.

Culturally responsible practice: Culturally responsive practice

Consumer enablement guide to support culturally responsive practice.

Aboriginal impact statement: NSW Health

Used by NSW Health organisations to incorporate the health needs and interests of Aboriginal people in the development of new and revised health policies, programs and strategies.

Animation on doing an Aboriginal Health Impact Statement: ACI

An animation to help guide NSW health staff through doing an Aboriginal health impact statement.

My rehab, my journey - Gagjigadji poster

Poster developed for the My rehab, my journey - Gadjigadji project, using Aboriginal artwork and suitable to display in wards.

Stories from Aboriginal people

Stories of Aboriginal people who have received rehabilitation treatment.

Aboriginal map of country

Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies' map of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia.

Ward template poster for Aboriginal support services

Template poster for rehabilitation wards to populate with details of their ALO and Aboriginal support services.

Clinical yarning: Social yarn

Video developed to guide clinicians in rehabilitation wards on how to do social yarning.

Clinical yarning: Diagnostic and management yarning

Video developed to guide clinicians in rehabilitation wards on how to do diagnostic yarning.

Respecting the difference: HETI eLearning module

Mandatory eLearning module developed to motivate staff to build positive and meaningful relationships with Aboriginal patients, clients, visitors and staff.

Ward template poster for Aboriginal support services

Template poster for rehabilitation wards to populate with details of their ALO and Aboriginal support services.

Supportive care: Into the dreaming: HNELHD

A palliative care guide for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people through 'sorry business'

Aboriginal wellbeing - Hospital discharge journey: SNSWLHD

Patient booklet to assist with discharge information and processes

Chronic care for Aboriginal people: Follow up

Video providing guidance on follow up care for Aboriginal patients.

Healing our way - A website developed by and for our mob: WellMob

Online wellbeing resources for mind, our mob, body, culture, keeping safe and healing.

Cultural safety for Health Professionals: Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet

Portal aims to support teaching health professionals to critically reflect on the concept of cultural safety and delivery safe, accessible and responsive healthcare.

Asking the question of origin: The Health Foundation - Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Training Centre

Includes a range of resources including self-learning module, flyer, poster.

Indigenous Australia program - A cultural protocol for evaluation: The Fred Hollows Foundation:

A guide for the Indigenous Australia Program team and external consultants to support and encourage good practice.

First People’s Disability Network and NDIS: Videos

Includes a series of videos on Aboriginal people with a disability, community supports and NDIS readiness

National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards (Second edition): Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care:

The NSQHS Standards provide a quality assurance mechanism that tests whether relevant systems are in place to ensure that expected standards of safety and quality are met in health service organisations.

NSQHS Standards User Guide for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health: Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care:

This guide provides practical strategies for what to consider and how to bring the six Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health specific actions in the NSQHS Standards to life in a health service organisation. It also provides practical examples from across Australia.

Understanding leave events for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other Australians from health service organisations: A systematic literature review: Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care

Understanding leave events for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other Australians from health service organisations: A systematic literature review

Chapter 1: Working with Aboriginal people: enhancing clinical practice in mental health care - working with Aboriginal people

NSW Health educational videos.

Chapter 2: Working with Aboriginal people: enhancing clinical practice in mental health care - supporting recovery

NSW Health educational videos.

Chapter 3: Working in Aboriginal people: enhancing clinical practice in mental health care - providing person-centred care - understanding diversity and the benefits of reclaiming culture

NSW Health educational videos.

Chapter 4: Working with Aboriginal people: enhancing clinical practice in mental health care - debunking the myths

NSW Health educational videos.

Chapter 5: Working with Aboriginal people: enhancing clinical practice in mental health care - building effective partnerships with Aboriginal people

NSW Health educational videos.

Equity in trauma care of Aboriginal people: current evidence and future directions: Institute of Trauma and Injury Management (ITIM):

APAC Forum poster.

48 Hour Follow Up Evaluation: Final Report 2016: University of NSW

The 48 Hour follow Up Program aims to improve coordination and management of care for Aboriginal people with chronic diseases.

Working with Aboriginal people and communities - a practice resource (2009)

A good summary of topics such as Aboriginal concept of family, men’s and women’s business, cultural bias, use of appropriate language. NSW Department of Community Services.

Patient perspectives - Hospital care for Aboriginal people

Describes the experiences of Aboriginal people who were admitted to a NSW public hospital during 2014. Bureau of Health Information.

Making space - how designing hospitals for Indigenous people might benefit everyone: The Conversation

Lists key elements for consideration in hospital design.

NSW Health Aboriginal Health Plan

The Plan marks a significant step towards reforming health systems to provide culturally safe, holistic and high-quality care for all Aboriginal people in NSW

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