Quick quiz for rehabilitation clinicians
Would you like to know more about how to improve the healthcare you provide for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people?
Take this quick quiz and learn how to improve the care and communication between you and Aboriginal people undergoing rehabilitation.
Do you ask your patients if they identify as being Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander?
Do you know what words and phrases might cause offence when talking with Aboriginal people?
Do you have the skills/capability to build rapport with Aboriginal people and communities?
Do you ask Aboriginal patients their preferred location for treatment delivery?
6. Do you identify a key contact from the family and/or community to liaise with and include in planning discussions?
Do you use physical spaces that provide cultural safety for Aboriginal patients and their families?
Do you know the specific support services available for Aboriginal people for inpatient and/or discharge management e.g. local health district services, chronic care team, Aboriginal liaison officer (ALO), non-government organisations (NGOs), Aboriginal Controlled Health Services (ACCHs)?
Do you understand the terms ‘men’s business’ and ‘women’s business’ and how this may alter the care you deliver?
Do you understand the term “sorry business”?
First steps
Well done on considering how you can improve the experience for Aboriginal people in your ward.
You can learn more by using the resources and tips available on this website.
Getting there
Great work, it looks like improving the experience for Aboriginal people in your ward is a priority for you.
You can learn more by using the resources and tips available on this website.
Congratulations, it looks like you are on track to create a positive experience for Aboriginal people in your ward.
You can put in place an action plan to help others in your ward to develop their knowledge using the tips and resources on this website.
Looks like you would like to know more about:
Top 8 resources for improving your ability to communicate positively
- Watch Clinical Yarning: Social Yarn video
- Watch Clinical Yarning: Diagnostic and Management Yarn video
- “Yarn with me” – applying clinical yarning to improve clinician-patient communication in Aboriginal health care
- Clinical Yarning (pp18-26) Daalbirrwirr Gamambigu – Safe Children Model of Care
- Decision making framework for NSW Health Aboriginal health practitioners
- Shared decision-making: Consumer enablement guide
- Aboriginal people and Communities: Consumer enablement guide
- Map of Aboriginal health and medical services
Language and terminology
Looks like you would like to know more about:
Top 4 resources for improving your language and terminology
Physical environment
Looks like you would like to know more about:
Top 5 resources for creating a culturally safe space
- Watch animation on how to complete an Aboriginal impact statement
- Stories of Aboriginal people who have had rehabilitation treatment
- Display the My rehab, my journey – Gadjigadji poster in your ward
- Display the ward template poster with details of Aboriginal support services
- Look at images of how other organisations have used their physical space
Looks like you would like to know more about:
Top 2 resources about identification of Aboriginal people
- Complete the Respect the difference HETI e-learning module
- Complete the Ask the question of origin HETI e-learning module