About the project


Evidence widely supports strength testing and progressive resistance training to reduce frailty and risk factors for frailty. Specifically, a major recommendation of the Asia-Pacific Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Frailty is to “prescribe physical activity with a resistance training component.”1

The videos and resources are for use by physiotherapists and exercise physiologists and potentially other healthcare professionals who work with older people who are living with, or at risk of, frailty.


These resources were produced by the Resistance Training for Frailty Working Group. The Working Group members are subject matter experts who include consumers, geriatricians, academics, physiotherapists, exercise physiologists and health service managers.

A group of consumers, who are the beneficiaries of progressive resistance training, agreed to participate in the project.

Scripting and content were developed with close consumer collaboration guided by clinical expertise and finalised by consensus.

The resources were also informed by rapid evidence checks supported by the ACI’s Evidence Team.

1. Dent E, Lien C, Lim WS, et al. The Asia-Pacific Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Frailty. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2017;18(7):564-575. doi:10.1016/j.jamda.2017.04.018

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