Current trauma research we are conducting or supporting.
ITIM-led projects
The management of blunt splenic injuries
Title: The management of blunt splenic injuries among adult and paediatric patients: A retrospective data analysis of trauma patients in NSW
Year started: 2023
Aim: To examine the management of blunt splenic injury in NSW.
Current status: Data analysis.
- Dr Pooria Sarrami, ITIM Research Fellow,
- Dr Susan Adams, Senior Staff Specialist, Sydney Children’s Hospital,
Title: Description and prediction of outcome of drowning patients in NSW
Year started: 2018
Aim: This study aims to explore the outcome of patients who are admitted to hospitals for drowning in NSW, and to investigate prediction of patients’ outcome based on accessible data, such as demographic information, vital signs on arrival to hospital and length of transfer.
Current status: Data analysis.
- Dr Pooria Sarrami, ITIM Research Fellow,
- Prof Michael Dinh, ITIM Clinical Director,
Impact of comorbidities on trauma outcomes
Title: Impact of medical and mental health comorbidities on hospital outcomes and trends in major trauma patients: a statewide data-linkage study from NSW
Year started: 2018
Aim: This study aims to better understand the patterns and trends in these comorbidities and their association with length of stay, re-admission rates, hospital costs and mortality in a group of patients admitted after severe injury in NSW.
Status: Some sub-studies completed. Other work ongoing.
- Prof Michael Dinh, ITIM Clinical Director,
- Dr Pooria Sarrami, ITIM Research Fellow,
Paediatric trauma transfers
Title: Exploration of transfer practices of paediatric trauma patients 2010-2015
Year started: 2018
Aim: Data from the NSW Trauma Registry will be used to examine the transfer of paediatric trauma patients across the NSW trauma system to determine the variation in rates of bypass between major trauma services catchments in NSW.
Current status: Completed, pending publication.
- Dr Pooria Sarrami, ITIM Research Fellow,
Supported projects
DOASENSE in trauma
Title: Evaluation of DOASENSE dipsticks and a reversal algorithm to detect and neutralise antithrombotic medication following moderate to severe trauma
Year started: 2023
Aim: To undertake a pilot study of DOASENSE dipstick use, clear reversal instructions and regular follow-up monitoring in trauma patients.
Support sources: NSW ITIM provided financial support
Status: Receiving approvals
Contacts: Prof Anders Aneman, Research Director and Deputy-Director, Liverpool Hospital Intensive Care Unit,
Trauma outreach program
Title: Improving multidisciplinary outreach care for rural, regional and remote trauma patients
Year started: 2021
Aim: To assess feasibility and efficiency of a locally based nurse practitioner-led trauma outreach program (TOP) to coordinate discharge planning and ongoing care for rural patients on discharge from metropolitan and regional trauma services.
Support sources: NSW ITIM provided financial support
Status: Data analysis
Contacts: Stacey Casley, Trauma Clinical Nurse Consultant, Murrumbidgee Local Health District,
The SABRE Study
Title: Serratus anterior blocks for rib fractures in the elderly (SABRE)
Year started: 2020
Aim: To compare pain scores in patients who receive a serratus anterior plane block in the emergency department to those who receive protocolised rib-fracture care alone
Support sources: NSW ITIM provided financial support
Status: Data analysis
Contacts: Dr Christopher Partyka, Liverpool Hospital and Greater Sydney Area HEMS (NSW Ambulance),
Trauma and burns in indigenous children
Title: Understanding trauma and burn patient transfer processes, patient experiences and models of care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in emergency departments in NSW.
Year started: 2017
Aim: This study aims to understand serious injury and burn patient transfer processes, patient experiences and models of care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in emergency departments in NSW.
Support sources: NSW ITIM provided financial support
Status: Data collection and analysis delayed
- Dr Kate Hunter, Senior Research Fellow, the George Institute for Global Health,
- Dr Pooria Sarrami, ITIM Research Fellow,
Multiple organ failure
Title: The epidemiology of post-injury multiple organ failure in NSW
Year started: 2016
Aim: This epidemiological study will prospectively collect data on multi-organ failure, a major cause of mortality, across the state.
Support sources: Funded and supported by ITIM (in-kind research support).
Status: Data analysis
- Prof Zsolt Balogh, Hunter New England Local Health District,
- Dr Pooria Sarrami, ITIM Research Fellow,