We are undertaking a priority project called the NSW trauma outcomes registry and quality evaluation (TORQUE). TORQUE will help trauma hospitals to monitor the quality of care they provide.

In addition, valuable information will be obtained regarding the health and wellbeing of patients after they are discharged from hospitals. This will assist in the identification of areas of trauma care that could be improved for future patients with severe trauma in NSW.

TORQUE is a redesign and quality improvement project. It is funded by the NSW State Insurance Regulatory Authority.

TORQUE has two main components:

  • A re-design of the current NSW Trauma Registry. This work is part of a broader Agency for Clinical Innovation and eHealth project to develop a single state level electronic clinical quality registry (eCQR), connected to existing electronic medical records. It will be used by a number of patient cohorts including trauma.
  • A new Trauma patient reported measures (PRMs) program to be linked to the NSW Trauma Registry.
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